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弹壳 《Colt.45》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

倒转流年丶只为一眼红颜 0分钟前
Colt.45 - 弹壳
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  1. 1 Colt.45 弹壳

I had a colt 45Wouldn't tell a lieI take a horse for a rideAlong the countrysideAlways cool on my mindAll I wanna do is shineBlack horse on the rideGolden colt 45给我的马编上脏辫带上黄金怀表还有钻石项链出没在熟悉的唐人街枪店枪套里的Peace maker闪出光线我曾在山谷里挖出黄金也坐在酒馆里弹奏钢琴让年轻女孩为我伤心混蛋也在我枪下丧命左轮转动和我人枪合一六发六中腰间瞄准射击他们反应过来我早已经撤离留下的只有话题和高额的赏金风韵犹存的老板娘拿出半瓶威士忌倒进我的杯子里火柴划动点燃雪茄露出金牙危险靠近也不会迟疑骑上我的坐骑漫无目的随它去往哪里全新的马鞍雕花太过华丽像是皇家座椅翻过雪山跨过草原都能够发现我的踪迹马刺叮叮叮叮声音太动听踏遍每一处风景I had a colt 45Wouldn't tell a lieI take a horse for a rideAlong the countrysideAlways cool on my mindAll I wanna do is shineBlack horse on the rideGolden colt 45从不会在意我受过了伤情人身上散发着诱惑的香就算睡觉也手都握着枪在我面前敌人就像瘦弱的狼我一边射击一边唱着歌掏枪的速度都超过了Billy the kid城镇的墙壁上贴满了画像但始终也没有人第一个去保持我的步调哪怕天有多漆黑这个世界太过浮躁我想我得喝几杯别成为别人的目标你很强大你以为时刻敏感每个迹象提防背后开的一枪I had a colt 45Wouldn't tell a lieI take a horse for a rideAlong the countrysideAlways cool on my mindAll I wanna do is shineBlack horse on the rideGolden colt 45I had a colt 45Wouldn't tell a lieI take a horse for a rideAlong the countrysideAlways cool on my mindAll I wanna do is shineBlack horse on the rideGolden colt 45

标签: 弹壳