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twins 《LOL》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

∞ 花开花谢﹫ 40分钟前

Sa:晚晚到凌晨 天光先至瞓返工等放假何来热吻Gil:永远最烦人 要辘卡手会震来笑笑最强人人 have some fun合:Everybody laugh through the nightGil:笑笑就美丽合:Everybody laugh through the nightSa:不讲东讲西合:放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night合:L O LL O LL O LWe'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the nightGil:最勇猛行为 最高的智慧也无笑容能完全自制Sa:和我笑到凌晨 都不眼瞓无计较笑容能长期共震合:Everybody laugh through the nightGil:笑笑就美丽合:Everybody laugh through the nightSa:不讲东讲西合:放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night合:L O LL O LWe'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the nightSa:闭上眼带你 let go of your mindGil:免费的笑声不落败合:笑笑实在极伟大Gil:放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声Sa:So loudGil:Laughing through the nightLaughing through the night要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星Sa:So loudGil:We'll  be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night合:放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the nightL O LL O LL O LWe'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night合:放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星We'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the nightL O LL O LWe'll be laughing through the nightLaughing through the night

标签: Twins
查看歌手音乐: twins
 twins 《飘零燕》[FLAC/MP3-320K]
 twins 《幼稚园》[FLAC/MP3-320K]
 twins 《哥哥》[FLAC/MP3-320K]