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方大同 《胜者精神》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

~心想事成~ 0分钟前
胜者精神 - 方大同
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 胜者精神 方大同

你知不知道怎么比才好知不知道一山其实将比一山高做最好的自己必须强身健体不要骄傲不要火爆记得头脑要清晰Clear your mind of the things that are gonna hold you backFree yourself of yourself and keep both your feet on track不管输了或赢了其实 it doesn't matterNo no it doesn't matterYou got to have thatWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatS-P-I-R-I-TWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatChampion spiritSpirit你知不知道怎么比才好知不知道一山其实将比一山高做最好的自己必须强身健体不要骄傲不要火爆记得头脑要清晰Clear your mind of the things that are gonna hold you backFree yourself of yourself and keep both your feet on track不管输了或贏了其实 it doesn't matterNo no it doesn't matterYou got to have thatWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatS-P-I-R-I-TWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatChampion spiritYou got that crowd don't you lose itCheering so loud while you cruisin'Still got them skills when you snoozin'See you be killin' it while they be bruisin''Cause they got nothing on youDon't really care what they do'Cause you be winning n winning n winningAnd they be losing n losing n losingUntil the day that you fallWhen you didn't expect it at allThat's when you learn how to crawl'Cause nobody answers your callOpen your eyesSee the horizonReach to the skiesThere is a prizeAnd it's not your pride but new found respectThis is your guide so follow his stepsYou got that champion spiritWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatS-P-I-R-I-TWho's got that champion spiritShow me that champion spiritYou got to have thatChampion spirit

标签: 方大同