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Eric Enn


Eric Enn 0分钟前

In my search for freedom我搜寻着心灵的自由and peace of mind与祥和I've left the memories behind我卸下了记忆Wanna start a new life想要开始新的生活but it seems to be rather absurd但这似乎是很荒谬的when I know the truth我知道的事实是is that I always think of you总是想着你Someday someway某天,以某种方式together we will be baby让我们在一起I will take and you will take your time我们从容不迫地We'll wait for our fate期待着我们的命运cos' nobody owns us baby因为没有人能分离我们We can shake we can shake the rock我们爱得山崩地裂Try to throw the picture out of my mind试着把那些画面从我脑海里删除try to leave the memories behind试着卸下那段记忆Here by the ocean我在海边wave's carry voices from you听到你的声音随浪传来Do you know the truth你知道吗?I am thinking of you too我也在想你Someday someway某天,以某种方式together we will be baby让我们在一起I will take and you will take your time从容不迫地We'll wait for our fate等待着我们的命运cos' nobody owns us baby没有人能分离我们We can shake we can shake the rock我们爱得地动山摇The love we had together我们的爱just fades away in time终究还是散了And now you've got your own world你有了自己的世界and I guess I've got mine我想我也有了But the passion that you planted但是你播下的激情种子in the middle of my heart在我的心中is a passion that will never stop是一种永不消退的激情Someday someway某天,以某种方式together we will be baby我们在一起I will take and you will take your time从容不迫地We'll wait for our fate等待这我们的命运cos' nobody owns us baby没有人能分离我们We can shake we can shake the rock我们爱得惊天动地Someday someway某天,以某种方式Someday someway某天,以某种方式together we will be baby我们在一起I will take and you will take your time从容不迫地We'll wait for our fate等待着我们的命运cos' nobody owns us baby没有人可以分离我们We can shake we can shake the rock我们的爱,轰轰烈烈
