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ONE III NOTES 《Shadow and Truth》[MP3-320K/10M]

醒※雪落蝶飞 15分钟前

Watch your back attack is on the way时刻堤防 小心随时会来的突袭So feel around with the cards you play还有你会使出的王牌Looking out suspicion for they keep deceiving info小心他们还在欺骗你我的谎言Every minute what you believe in sway每分每秒 你的信仰渐渐动摇Silhouette conspiracies indefinite阴谋暗算 难以预料Never fooled gotta stay cool smoke another cigarette不要被愚弄 保持镇定 再抽一支烟Whatever you believe in now could flip此刻你所坚信的也会反转Observing every little bit仔细探寻Trust only what you can see with your eyes相信你眼里的一切抗えない奪い合い难以反抗你争我夺的局势漂う真相を翻すevery noise每个声响 都在颠覆游移不定的真相Standing inside that smoke置身迷雾中央目の前の全てがsuggestion眼前的一切都是留给你的暗示And in time you'll find what you should know最后你终会了解你早该明白的一切Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧見つけたいでしょう?你也想有所收获吧儚いstory繋ぐ明日へ奔向那虚幻的故事所连接的明天Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧探してる鍵を寻找那把关键的钥匙Just move and go find out就让我们行动吧 一起去探寻Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧ねぇ知りたいでしょう?你也想探明真相吧?描く場所に辿り着くまで直到抵达你理想的目的地Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧運命が呼び寄せた命运发出了号召導きの証那是引导的证明Stay cool it's never really what it seems冷静吧 绝不是表面那般简单Bam what right up in your face你说谎的神情A truth unimaginable unfold to trigger the change of pace不可思议的事实引发了现实的巨变A trace look a look at what you found跟踪发掘你发现的一切It's happening once again in the background now隐蔽的幕后再次发生So get down get rooted start moving放手一搏吧 开始行动吧With your feet step one then step two and你的脚步声渐渐响起Bounce around stuck in a groove again跳起身 再次陷入其中Back to searching for the truth again重新探寻事实真相Truth is always floating up in the sky真理永远在天际尽头そう探していた未来是啊 一直在寻找着未来あらゆる感情を映し出すany choice每一次选择 都映射着你所有的感情Reaching out from the smoke走出重重迷雾その内なる声はintension你心里的声音紧张不已Now that you can grasp your future right此刻你能掌控自己的未来Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧見つめる今を凝望着当下消えないように引き寄せる為拉到你身边 不让它销声匿迹Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧見つけ出す鍵を找出那把关键的钥匙Stay true and go find out保持真我 一起探寻Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧そうこの扉を推开这扇门開く先にざわめく答え你会发现人人各执说辞Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧掴み取る未来は你手中的未来真実のカタチ就是真实轮廓たとえ何もかもが哪怕所有一切偽りだったとしても都是镜花水月Realize let it show明白就让它呈现吧Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧見つけたいでしょう?你也想有所收获吧?儚いstory繋ぐ明日へ奔向那虚幻的故事所连接的明天Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧探してる鍵を寻找那把关键的钥匙Just move and go find out就让我们行动吧 一起去探寻Let's go come on come on on a journey我们出发吧 一起踏上征程吧ねぇ知りたいでしょう?你也想探明真相吧?描く場所に辿り着くまで直到抵达你理想的目的地Come on now come on on a journey出发吧 一起踏上征程吧運命が呼び寄せた命运发出了号召導きの証那是引导的证明Stay cool it's never really what it seems冷静吧 绝不是表面那般简单You gotta use your eyes to perceive the way你得用你的双眼感知一切
