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落日飞车 《Little Monkey Rides on the Little Donkey》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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“I’m pretty tired.”, the monkey said to me,我真的够累了,精明猴跟我说道I see nothing from your eyes, cause we know在你眼里什么也看不到,因为我们知道something here is changed and time won’t go back.有些东西变了就变了,时光总是一去不复返“I’ll keep that in mind.”, the donkey said,这话我会铭记于心的,呆头驴说道I see something from your eyes, cause we know我在你眼里发现了些什么,因为我们知道nothing here is changed but you don’t go back.这里什么也没有变,但你也不回首过往I’m so worried that's why I need some blues,我有点焦躁过头了,所以我才要来点蓝调,Oh baby, here is a story about why I need some blues.哦 宝贝,这就是《为什么我要来点蓝调》的故事Trying to satisfy you, yeah baby that’s my blues.只想让你高兴高兴,没错宝贝 这是我的蓝调Yeah~ Little monkey rowed a boat and saw the water flow,耶~小猴划着一叶小舟看到河水流过it tried some delicious meals as you need it before,在你饿肚子前就尝了美味的佳肴trying to satisfy you, yeah babe that’s my blues.只想让你高兴高兴,没错宝贝 这是我的蓝调

标签: 落日飞车