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taylor swift 《The Best Day》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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I'm five years old那年我5岁It's getting cold冷冷的天气I've got my big coat on你给我披上那件外套I hear your laugh你对我笑And look up smiling at you我仰着头 这是送你的微笑I run and run我满地跑Past the pumpkin patch看那拖拉机And the tractor rides在南瓜地轰隆隆Look now the sky is gold我扬起头看见金色漫天I hug your legs and fall asleep在你膝上 我睡的香甜On the way home回家的路上I don't know why all the trees change in the fall我不懂叶子为何在秋天变黄然后纷纷落下I know you're not scared of anything at all但我知道你不会惧怕这世间的一切Don't know if snow white's house is near or far away我也不知道白雪公主的小木屋究竟位置何在But I know I had the best day但我知道今天最棒With you today因为有你相伴I'm thirteen now转眼间我13了And don't know how my friends我不知为何我的朋友Could be so mean对人这么苛刻I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys我哭着跑回家 你一手拉着我 一手抓着车钥匙And we drive and drive汽车在马路上奔驰Until we've found a town我们到了一个小镇Far enough away那里离家很远And we talk and window shop我们在商店边逛边聊Until I've forgotten all their names直到那些人在我记忆中消失I don't know who I'm gonna talk to可我还是不知道我该和谁在一起Now at school在学校的时候I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you但我知道我们那天回家时在车里开怀大笑Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay我不知这种日子何时会远去But I know I had the best day我只知道今天最棒With you today因为有你相伴I have an excellent father爸爸非常了不起His strength is making me stronger他的力量使我更坚强God smiles on my little brother上帝眷顾着我的弟弟Inside and out无论什么He's better than I am他都比我优秀I grew up in a pretty house我长大的那座房子不算大And I had space to run却足够让我满屋跑And I had the best days with you并且今天最棒 因为有你相伴There is a video我找到一盘录像带I found from back when I was three里面的我才三岁You set up a paint set in the kitchen你在厨房架起一个大画板And you're talking to me就开始对我讲It's the age of princesses and pirate ships那个时代的公主和海盗船长And the seven dwarfs还有七个小矮人Daddy's smart爸爸很聪明And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world而你也是这世上最美丽的女人Now I know why all the trees change in the fall现在我明白叶子为何在秋天变黄然后纷纷落下I know you were on my side我还知道你会一直在我身边Even when I was wrong无论对错都不变And I love you for giving me your eyes我爱你 因为我的双眼是你所赐Staying back and watching me shine你见证我今天那闪耀如星的成就And I didn't know if you knew我不知道你是否明白我的心思So I'm taking this chance to say所以我趁此机会敞开心扉That I had the best day我感到今天最棒With you today因为有你相伴

标签: Taylor Swift