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James Horner - 《阿凡达1》[MP3-320K, 221M]

兔爷 9分钟前

向James Horner致敬!无损版在这里,但没有Bonus Track 曲目列表:01. -You Don't Dream In Cryo. ....-02. Jake Enters His Avatar World03. Pure Spirits of the Forest04. The Bioluminescence of the Night05. Becoming One of -The People- Becoming One With Neytiri06. Climbing Up -Iknimaya - The Path to Heaven07. Jake's First Flight08. Scorched Earth09. Quaritch10. The Destruction of Hometree11. Shutting Down Grace's Lab12. Gathering All the Na'vi Clans for Battle13. War14. Leona Lewis - I See You (Theme from -Avatar-)15. Pandora (Bonus Track)16. Viperwolves Attack (Bonus Track)17. Great Leonoptryx (Bonus Track)18. Escape from Hellgate (Bonus Track)19. Healing Ceremony (Bonus Track)20. The Death of Quaritch (Bonus Track)Cover.jpgDigital Booklet - AVATAR.pdf

标签: 原声集
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