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Florence + The Machine 《Dog Days Are Over》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Happiness hit her, like a train on a track快乐 忽如其来 像轨道上疾驰的列车Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back直冲向她 没有回头之意She hid around corners and she hid under beds她藏匿在角落里 藏匿在床榻下She killed it with kisses and from it she fled用自己的亲吻扼杀快乐后 逃之夭夭With every bubble she sank with a drink她一度沉醉的酒精 每一朵激起的泡沫And washed it away down the kitchen sink都被她无情冲进了厨房的污水槽 洗刷干净The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are done糟糕的日子早已过去The horses are coming马群正在来的路上So you better run所以你最好赶快逃跑Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father为你的父母快些跑吧Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers为你的孩子 为你的兄弟姐妹快些跑吧Leave all your love and your longing behind把你所有爱与渴望都抛在脑后You can't carry it with you if you want to survive如果你想幸免就不能带上它们The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are done糟糕的日子早已过去Can you hear the horses?你能听到马蹄的轰鸣声吗Cause here they come因为它们就要来了And I never wanted anything from you我从未渴求过你的任何Except everything you had除却你拥有的一切And what was left after that too, oh和已经抛下的一切Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, back, back...快乐 忽如其来 像从后背射入头颅的子弹Struck from a great height从最高处射下By someone who should know better than that被一个最应该知晓一切的人The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are done糟糕的日子早已过去Can you hear the horses?你能听到马蹄的轰鸣声吗Cause here they come因为它们就要来了Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father为你的父母快些跑吧Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers为你的孩子 为你的兄弟姐妹快些跑吧Leave all your love and your longing behind把你所有爱与渴望都抛在脑后You can't carry it with you if you want to survive如果你想幸免就不能带上它们The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are done糟糕的日子早已过去Can you hear the horses?你能听到马蹄的轰鸣声吗Cause here they come因为它们就要来了The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are gone糟糕的日子早已过去The horses are coming马群正在来的路上So you better run所以你最好赶快逃跑The dog days are over糟糕的日子已经结束了The dog days are gone糟糕的日子早已过去The horses are coming马群正在来的路上So you better run所以你最好赶快逃跑

查看歌手音乐: Florence + The Machine