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MONSTA X 《One Day》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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One Day - MONSTA X
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 One Day MONSTA X

Holdin’ my breath and then I count to ten

深深屏住我呼吸 由一默数至十

On to the next that's what my mother said

"学会放手朝前看" 妈妈这般说道

All of my friends they never liked you

我所有的挚友 都不曾喜欢你

But they never knew you like I do

但无人像我这般 深知你脾性

They say hindsight's 20/20

人人道 事后诸葛 最是简单轻易

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll see it

也许 我终会与你相见吧

One Day, One Day, One Day, l will

有朝一日 在遥远的某天 能如愿以偿

Yeah I wish I could have made you love me

是啊 何其期愿 能够让你深深爱上我

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll feel it

或许 我终能真切感知你

One Day, One Day, One Day, I will

终有一天 在未来的某日 能得偿所愿

But right now l'm drunk, right now I'm wasted

但现在我酩酊大醉 此刻我荒废虚度

Spillin' out my guts to the ghosts in our apartment

只身在我们的公寓 对空气吐露缱绻衷肠

They say hindsight's 20/20

人人道 事后诸葛 最是简单轻易

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll see it

也许 我终将能与你相逢

One Day, One Day, One Day, I will

终有一天 在未来的某日 必得偿所愿


Yeah maybe I will

没错 或能达成

Yeah maybe I will


Yeah maybe I will


l tried to forget you how your body felt

我试图将你忘却 抹去你带来的一切感觉

Your head on my chest, that summer in the hills

你头轻靠在我胸口 宛若置身盛夏午后 静谧山坡

I wish you the best with somebody new

愿你和你另寻之人 收获幸福美满

But they'll never love ya like I do

但无人能做到 像我这般深爱你

They say hindsight's 20/20

人人道 事后诸葛 最是简单轻易

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll see you

也许 我终会与你相见吧

One Day, One Day, One Day, I will

有朝一日 在遥远的某天 能如愿以偿

Yeah I wish I could have made you love me

是啊 何其期愿 能够让你深深爱上我

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll feel it

或许 我终能真切感知你

One Day, One Day, One Day, I will

终有一天 在未来的某日 能得偿所愿

But right now I'm drunk, right now I'm wasted

但现在我酩酊大醉 此刻我荒废虚度

Spillin' out my guts to the ghosts in our apartment

只身在我们的公寓 对空气吐露缱绻衷肠

They say hindsight's 20/20

人人道 事后诸葛 最是简单轻易

Maybe l’ll maybe I’ll see it

也许 我终将能与你相逢

One Day, One Day, One Day, I will

终有一天 在未来的某日 必得偿所愿


Yeah maybe I will

没错 或能达成

Yeah maybe I will


Yeah maybe l will
