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The Psychedelic Furs 《Sister Europe》[MP3-320K/13M]

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Stupid on the steinway愚蠢的施坦威So sick upon a steinway恶心的施坦威The sailors drown水手溺亡See them talk and see them drown目睹他们聊天 目睹他们淹死And see them drink and fall around目睹他们酗酒又烂醉Upon the floor在地板上Sister of mine  home again我的姐姐 回家了Sister of mine  home again我的姐姐 回家了Lonely in a crowded room在拥挤的房间里感受到孤独The radio plays out of tune收音机走调了So silently如此寂静The radio upon the floor地板上的收音机Is stupid it plays aznavour愚蠢地播放着 AznavourSo out of key跑调了Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Broken on a ship of fools在满载傻瓜的船上消亡Even dreams must fall to rules所有梦想都将被规则打败So stupidly如此愚蠢Words are all just useless sound言语是无意义的声响Just like cards they fall around就像散落的纸牌And we will be我们也将如此Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Buy a car and watch it rust买一辆车 看着它生锈Sister see them fall to dust姐姐看着他们散作灰尘They fall around他们散落四周In another crowded room在另一个拥挤的房间Paint me like the shirt i'm in用衬衫装扮我Honestly老实说Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Sister of mine我的姐姐Home again回家了Sister of mine我的姐姐Sister of mine我的姐姐Sister of mine我的姐姐Sister of mine我的姐姐Sister我的姐姐

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