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神圣放逐乐队 《夕暮れの鳥》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Song in the bird cage如果还能将那笼中的歌谣Should I sing if I sing再一次轻声吟唱出来Sky Look wind tomorrow就让她吹向青空Blow today拂动当下Blow today吹拂至此Morning in the bird破晓时分的鸟儿Spend with me与我紧紧相拥Blow tomorrow余韵又飘向远方Every single day即使时光荏苒It is next to you犹是傍君不倦Surely come in the morning one day say hello却在某个清晨与我问安To expand the hand to瞬息便奔赴到the side of other town遥远的异乡Surely not accustomed divert alone但愿不会忘却故乡的方向Come morning everyone laugh again with me欢声再次袅绕着晨曦中的我们Because anyway every night every night于每个夜晚反复吟唱这首歌Sing a song so on in the picture只是为了将这一切Sky a Look wind tomorrow让风吹向远方Blow to the side of you带到你的身旁Blow today于黎明之时Morning in the bird拂动晨曦的鸟儿It is next to you再次依偎君侧i can sing again like a bird in the sky我的歌声就像鸟儿一般飞向远空I have heard innocent voice捎带回那些天真无邪的梦想I’ll sing out with my girl我将与孩子们一起放声高歌Go to the meeting place sing alone rolling stone再随着熟悉的韵律祝福迷途的人们Come morning everyone laugh again with me愿欢声再次袅绕着晨曦中的我们Surely come in the morning one day say hello于某个清晨向我问安To expand the hand to瞬息便奔赴到the side of other town遥远的异乡Surely not accustomed divert alone几经迷茫找到故乡的方向Come morning everyone laugh again沐浴于晨曦中的我们with me还会再次相聚于此Song in the bird cage如果还能将那熟悉的歌谣Should I sing if I sing再一次哼唱出来Sky Look wind tomorrow就让她吹向青空Blow today拂动当下Blow today吹拂至此Morning in the bird破晓时分的鸟儿Spend with me与我紧紧相拥Blow tomorrow余韵再次飘向远方Every single day即使时光荏苒It is next to you犹是傍君不倦i can sing again like a bird in the sky我的歌声就像鸟儿一般飞向远空I have heard innocent voice捎带回那些天真无邪的梦想I’ll sing out with my girl我将与孩子们一起放声高歌Go to the meeting place sing alone rolling stone再随着熟悉的韵律祝福迷途的人们Come morning everyone laugh again with me愿欢声再次袅绕着晨曦中的我们Surely come in the morning one day say hello再一次于黎明之际告别To expand the hand to瞬息便奔赴到the side of other town遥远的异乡Surely not accustomed divert alone但最终还会相聚于此Come morning everyone laugh again我们依旧能够载欢载笑with me阳光仍然会照耀着我们

标签: 神圣放逐乐队
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