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高梨康治 《儀礼 / 仪礼》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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As we forgive for love当我们选择为爱而原谅,but we can not pull through但我们不能接受If we can not forgive为了真爱而贡献,for the tribute true love我们就不能度过难关。Eh......啊……Eh......啊……Eh......啊……Eh......啊……As we forgive for love...当我们选择为爱而原谅……As we forgive for love(As we forgive for love)当我们选择为爱而原谅,but we can not pull through(As we forgive for love)但我们不能接受If we can not forgive(As we forgive for love)成为真爱的贡品,for the tribute true love(As we forgive for love)我们就不能度过难关。As we forgive for love...当我们选择为爱而原谅……

标签: 高梨康治