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Yellow Claw 《After It All》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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After It All - Yellow Claw
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 After It All Yellow Claw

I'd walk through all the fire for you我愿为你赴汤蹈火Our love still here after I'm gone纵然我已远去 此爱也定将永驻You pull me close enough to你用温暖的臂弯将我拉近Hear a whisper近到即便是呢喃细语也足以听清Say nothin' at all却仍愿在缄默中享受幸福It's times like these at least for me我总是自私地想占有那一个个幸福的片段You make things better after all但不管怎样 你也已经点亮了我的生活With times like these at least we'll be那一幕幕美好 守护着我们的爱恋Our love still here after it all纵使海枯石烂 此爱也定将永恒After it all纵使斗转星移After it all纵使沧海桑田After it all纵使时过境迁After it all纵使物是人非After it all纵使斗转星移After it all纵使沧海桑田After it all纵使时过境迁After it all纵使物是人非(Yellow mother****in' Claw!)这是黄爪嗷!I'd walk through all the fire for you我愿为你赴汤蹈火Our love still here after I'm gone纵然我已远去 此爱也定将永驻You pull me close enough to你用温暖的臂弯将我拉近Hear a whisper近到即便是呢喃细语也足以听清Say nothin' at all却仍愿在缄默中享受幸福It's times like these at least for me至少对我来说 生活中的点点滴滴You make things better after all都因你的到来而闪烁光芒With times like these at least we'll be那一幕幕美好 守护着我们的爱恋Our love still here after it all纵使海枯石烂 此爱也定将永恒After it all纵使斗转星移After it all纵使沧海桑田After it all纵使时过境迁After it all纵使物是人非(Yellow mother****in' Claw!)这是黄爪嗷!After it all纵使斗转星移After it all纵使沧海桑田After it all纵使时过境迁After it all纵使物是人非After it all纵使斗转星移After it all纵使沧海桑田After it all纵使时过境迁After it all纵使物是人非

标签: Yellow Claw