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Guylaire 《Fairy Tale》[MP3-320K/6.8M]

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You and I, we should get away你和我,我们应该逃走Take you back like we were in the Qusay带你回去,仿佛我们还在库赛And you're the queen你是王后Fight for it all days整天为它而战Just give it to you're heart就放心把它交付给你的心吧And you know that I can be your knight in shining armor你知道我能成为你的(白马王子)身着闪亮盔甲的骑士And over and over so much is you want一次又一次,你想要的是如此之多Good luck I don't care, even if you chill me好运气,我不在乎,即使你让我失望Just do me against the wall只要做自己,背靠着墙We can rewind history with their old fairy tale我们可以随着那些古老的童话倒回历史And just like magic we can never fade就像魔法一样,我们永远不会消逝Coz that we're in this fairy tale因为我们在这个童话之中Girl I just want you to know女孩,我就是想让你知道You're my path to go, at the end of the rainbow你是我要走的路,在可望而不可即的地方I don't want this dreams to come to it end我不愿这个梦结束Coz you're my favorite fairy tale因为你是我最喜欢的童话I don't mind demanding your spell我不介意你那劳神费力的咒语Flip the point of start you should know as well翻到起点,你应该也知道You should know that I'm the jagger that you do你应该知道我是你做的贾格尔So up the hill will make a way所以逢山开路And you know that I can be your knight in shining armor你知道我能成为你的(白马王子)身着闪亮盔甲的骑士And over and over much is you want一次又一次,你想要的是那么多Bad luck I don't care, even if you chill me坏运气,我不在乎,即使你让我失望Just do me against the wall只要做自己,背靠着墙We can rewind history with their old fairy tale我们可以随着那些古老的谎言倒回历史And just like magic we can never fade就像魔法一样,我们永远不会消逝Coz that we're in this fairy tale因为我们在这个谎言之中Girl I just want you to know女孩,我就是想让你知道You're my path to go, at the end of the rainbow你是我要走的路,在可望而不可即的地方I don't want this dreams to come to it end我不愿这个梦结束Coz you're my favorite fairy tale因为你是我最喜欢的谎言I don't need a fortune teller to read your mind我不需要算命先生来看懂你的心思Just let those other guys beat your last absurd any mind (oh)就让那些家伙打败你最后荒谬的一切想法(哦)We can rewind history with their old fairy tale我们可以随着那些古老的童话倒回历史And just like magic we can never fade就像魔法一样,我们永远不会消逝Coz that we're in this fairy tale (yeah)因为我们在这童话中I just want you to know我只是想你明白You're my path to go, go the end of the rainbow你是我要走的路,走到彩虹的尽头I don't want this dreams to come to it end我不要这个梦就就这样结束Coz you're my favorite fairy tale因为你是我最喜欢的童话故事You're my favorite fairy tale你是我最爱的谎言Coz you're my favorite fairy tale因为你是我最爱的童话

标签: Guylaire
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