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Rock Prince

塞壬唱片-MSR Melissa R. Kaplan 《Immutable》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Bow to the wind, feel her vestments heal my skin向风垂首 享受衣服随风摆动的感觉The blind bargain's thin, she's no stranger to rushing in盲目签订的契约终将消失 她对闯入者并不陌生Mission sub rosa秘密的使命Concealed en umbra匿于阴影中Throwing caution to the wind将警示抛诸脑后She'll risk it她将会冒险For the lives she's left behind为了她背后的生灵Hope’s alive, but she’s flying blind希望尚存 但她如无目的飞鸟Capricious at a moment’s notice, you ready她在瞬息间变换 你已就绪Staging through time, on her thread she’ll save us nigh用表演穿行于时间中 她所经之处生灵皆被拯救Her mind is confound, she’s no stranger to method sound她心中困惑 但她对条理并不陌生Mission sub rosa秘密的使命Concealed en umbra匿于阴影中Throwing caution to the wind将警告抛诸脑后She'll risk it她愿意冒险For all the lives that she's left behind为了她背后的生灵Hope’s on the rise, but she’s flying blind希望在升起 但她如迷茫的飞鸟Standing eclipse, feel the fire on her skin立于日蚀当中 感受皮肤燃起的烈焰This blind bargain's thin, she's no stranger to rushing in盲目签订的契约终将消失 她对闯入者早已司空见惯Mission sub rosa秘密的使命Concealed en umbra匿于阴影中Throwing caution to the wind将谨慎抛诸脑后She'll risk it她会冒险For the lives she's left behind为了这片大地上的万千生灵Hope's on the rise, but she’s flying blind希望在升起 但她仍如迷茫的飞鸟
