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Jax 《Like My Father》[MP3-320K/7.1M]

冰山一抹笑 16分钟前

I wanna come home to roses我希望回家有玫瑰在手And dirty little notes on Post-its还有一张满是爱意的便签And when my hair starts turning gray当我满头白发He'll say I'm like a fine wine, better with age他会说我像越老越甘醇的好酒I guess I learned it from my parents我从父母那里学到That true love starts with friendship真爱应该从友谊开始A kiss on the forehead, a date night额头的吻和一个约会Faking apology after a fight还有吵架后的妥协 道歉I need a man who's patient and kind我想要一个耐心又体贴的男人Gets out of the car and holds the door下车后会为我开门I wanna slow dance in the living room like我想在客厅里跳舞We're eighteen at senior prom and grow就像18岁的毕业舞会美好悠然Old with someone who makes me feel young我希望和一个让我感到永远年轻的人一起变老I need a man who loves me like我需要一个My father loves my mom像我爸爱我妈那样爱我的男人I want a road trip in the summers夏天的旅行I wanna make fun of each other对彼此开的玩笑I wanna rock out to Billy Joel伴着Billy Joel的摇滚乐And flip our kids off when they call us old并一起教训我们的熊孩子He'll accidentally burn our dinner他会不小心将晚饭做糊And let me be the scrabble winner他总让我赢得拼词游戏And when my body changes shapes当我身材走样He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today"他会说“你今天可真好看”I need a man who's patient and kind我想要一个耐心又体贴的男人Gets out of the car and holds the door下车后会为我开门I wanna slow dance in the living room like我想在客厅里跳舞We're eighteen at senior prom and grow就像18岁的毕业舞会美好悠然Old with someone who makes me feel young我希望和一个让我感到永远年轻的人一起变老I need a man who loves me like我需要一个My father loves my mom像我爸爱我妈那样爱我的男人And if he lives up to my father如果他视我父亲为榜样Maybe he could teach our daughter他可以告诉我们的女儿What it takes to love a queen怎么在爱情里成为公主She should know she's royalty她需要知道自己是被爱环绕I need a man who's patient and kind我想要一个耐心又体贴的男人Gets out of the car and holds the door下车后会为我开门I wanna slow dance in the living room like我想在客厅里跳舞We're eighteen at senior prom and grow就像18岁的毕业舞会美好悠然Old with someone who makes me feel young我希望和一个让我感到永远年轻的人一起变老I need a man who loves me like我需要一个My father loves my mom像我爸爱我妈那样爱我的男人I need a man who loves me like我需要一个My father loves my mom像我爸爱我妈那样爱我的男人

标签: Jax
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