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Celine Dion 《A New Day Has Come》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临I was waiting for so long漫长等待For a miracle to come等待奇迹的出现Everyone told me to be strong大家告诉我要坚强Hold on and dont shed a tear坚定意志,不要落泪Through the darkness and good times走过漫漫长夜与美好时光I knew Id make it through我知道我一定会安然无恙And the world thought I had it all世人都以为我拥有一切But I was waiting for you但是,我正在等待著你Hush, now万籁俱寂I see a light in the sky我看见一道光芒划过天际Oh, its almost blinding me几乎夺走我的目光I cant believe不敢相信If Ive been touched by an angel with love天使触动了我 赐予我爱情Let the rain come down and wash away my tears就让大雨滂沱落下 洗去我的泪水Let it fill my soul and drown my fears就让大雨注满我的灵魂 淹没我的恐惧Let it shatter the walls for a new sun就让大雨粉碎心墙 等待新的曙光A new day has come, oh新的一天已经来临A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临Where it was dark now there's light光芒万丈,不再黑暗Where there was pain now there's joy满心欢喜,不再痛苦Where there was weakness, I found my strength自信十足,不再脆弱All in the eyes of a boy我看到男孩的纯真眼神Hush, now万籁俱寂I see a light in the sky我看见一道光芒划过天际Oh, its almost blinding me几乎夺走我的目光I cant believe不敢相信If Ive been touched by an angel with love天使触动了我 赐予我爱情Let the rain come down and wash away my tears就让大雨滂沱落下 洗去我的泪水Let it fill my soul and drown my fears就让大雨注满我的灵魂 淹没我的恐惧Let it shatter the walls for a new sun就让大雨粉碎心墙 等待新的曙光A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临Let the rain come down and wash away my tears就让大雨滂沱落下 洗去我的泪水Let it fill my soul and drown my fears就让大雨注满我的灵魂 淹没我的恐惧Let it shatter the walls for a new sun就让大雨粉碎心墙 等待新的曙光A new day has come, oh新的一天已经来临A New Day Has Come新的一天已经来临Hush, now万籁俱寂Well I see a light in your eyes我在你眼中看见一道光芒All in the eyes of the boy我看到男孩的纯真眼神I cant believe不敢相信If Ive been touched by an angel with love天使触动了我 赐予我爱情I cant believe不敢相信If Ive been touched by an angel with love天使触动了我 赐予我爱情Hush, now万籁俱寂

标签: Celine Dion