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NIKI 88rising 《La La Lost You》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

科新达瓷砖雕刻喷砂中心 0分钟前

While I’m on Sunset are you on the subway当我看着黄昏的时候 你是否在地铁上While I drive are you gettin’ on the L-train当我开着车的时候 你是否在火车上I mean, Manhattan’s nice, but so are Malibu nights我想说 曼哈顿不错 但是马里布也很好You would know if you stayed,你会知道你是否留下You would know if you put up a fight你会知道你是否要争取Your toes turn blue in winter, I’m getting red冬天的时候 你脚趾冻青了 我喝得脸红红Rum does the trick for all of the things left unsaid朗姆酒就是那些未言之语的出口I’m missin’ our drunken 2AM strolls in K-Town我想念我们凌晨两点一起在韩国城醉醺醺地走着Now you’re chasing fake highs in the Upper West Side现在你在纽约上西区 追逐着无意义的快感And f**kin on Brooklyn’s in Brooklyn在布鲁克林和布鲁克林人做着Your Chelsea’s in Chelsea还有那些在切尔西的切尔西人Hope that eases the pain,但愿这些人不再让你痛苦So you remember to miss me这样你就能想起我了And you sold your car,你把你的车卖了Now you walk for miles现在你步行数英里Bet your feet feel numb我猜你的脚要麻了(crosswalks in my mind are shakey so please hold on tight)(我脑海里的十字路口颤抖不已 所以请抓紧我)All my demons run wild我的心魔肆意狂野All my demons have your smile我的心魔是你的微笑In the city of angels在天使之城In the city of angels在洛杉矶Hope New York holds you希望纽约能对你好Hope it holds you like I do希望就像我曾紧抱着你那样While my demons stay faithful我的心魔对你始终如一In the city of angels在天使之城里Summer’s ending now and the nights are cooling down夏天要结束了 夜晚渐渐微凉Remember last winter when we would drive around记得那个冬天 我们到处兜风Silverlake, Hollywood在银湖 在好莱坞Pretty little white lies got me good那些善意的谎言让我深信不疑Thought this was love,我曾以为这就是爱I was misunderstood, mm是我想错了 嗯Feelin’ low on the low,我感觉越来越糟糕Drivin through NoHo开车经过NoHoIf I’m honest I’d call,我真正想做的 是给你打电话But I’m trying to let go但是我正努力放手And I hope you’re happy, living life in taxis我希望你开心 活在出租车之间But you’ll always have me,但你将永远拥有我You’ll always have me你将永远拥有我的心All my demons run wild我的心魔肆意在我脑海里翻腾All my demons have your smile我的心魔是你的微笑In the city of angels在天使之城In the city of angels在洛杉矶Hope New York holds you希望纽约能对你好Hope it holds you like I do希望就像我曾紧抱着你那样While my demons stay faithful我的心魔对你始终如一In the city of angels在天使之城

标签: NIKI 88rising