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After 7 《'Til You Do Me Right》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

秦洋 10分钟前

I was in love with you我跟你坠入爱河And gave my heart to you还把我的心贡献给你I did my best to keep you satisfied我尽了全力只为你感到满足You took the love from me可你却夺走了我的爱And used it selfishly还自私的滥用它You did not give back your你根本就没有把你的爱Love to me at all贡献给我I gave the sun to you我给了你太阳You said it was too bright你却嫌它太亮I gave you diamond rings我给了你钻戒You said they didnt shine你却嫌它不闪闪发亮I gave my world to you我还给了你我的世界But you said its not enough你却嫌它不够What in the world could I have done我到底是做了什么To make you be so rough把你变得这么暴躁til you do me right直到你好好对我I dont even want to talk to you否则我不想再跟你说话I dont even want to hear you speak my name更不会想听你呼唤我的名字til you do me right直到你好好对我Only wrong is gonna come to you否则坏事只到你头上Nothin good is gonna come til you change好事是不会发生的,直到你改过Change your ways直到你改过自新Until you change your evil ways直到你改掉你恶劣的行为Girl I was there for you女孩,我一直都在你身边Someone you could talk to还陪你谈谈心How could you just keep breakin my heart你怎么能继续伤我的心What did I do to you我到底对你做了什么To make you be so cruel把你变得这么冷血无情I dont understand why youve been so wrong我真搞不懂你为什么这么不讲理I tried to be your strength我尽力成为你的力量You said I was too strong你却嫌我太强I tried to compromise so我还尽力妥协We could get along好得我们更好相处I gave my love to you despite我还是把我的爱给了你Your evil ways即使你恶劣的行为I guess its clear to me theres only我猜对我来说很清楚One thing left to say我只想说剩下的一件事til you do me right直到你好好对我I dont even want to talk to you否则我不想再跟你说话I dont even want to hear you speak my name更不会想听你呼唤我的名字til you do me right直到你好好对我Only wrong is gonna come to you否则坏事只到你头上Nothin good is gonna come til you change好事是不会发生的,直到你改过Change your ways直到你改过自新Until you change your evil ways直到你改掉你恶劣的行为Theres a time when you know what you有时侯,你自己也知道Feel inside your heart你心里面什么感觉Its tellin you that somethin feels strange我跟你说,这很不对劲You dont have to deny it你别再否认知情了All you gotta do is just try it你必须要做的就是尝试Youll find our love grows你会发现我们的爱Stronger if youre willing to change会长的更坚固,只要你愿意改过til you do me right直到你好好对我I dont even want to talk to you否则我不想再跟你说话I dont even want to hear you speak my name更不会想听你呼唤我的名字til you do me right直到你好好对我Only wrong is gonna come to you否则坏事只到你头上Nothin good is gonna come til you change好事是不会发生的,直到你改过Change your ways直到你改过自新Change your ways直到你改过自新Until you change your evil ways直到你改掉你恶劣的行为

标签: After 7
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