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FKA twigs 《home with you》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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I'm so wired, fought it, seen it, tried it如此兴奋 抗争 见证 为此尝试I die for you on my terms让我甘愿为你赴死When I get my lessons learned当我再一次挣够了教训Apples, cherries, pain像苹果甘甜 樱桃般鲜艳 却让我痛苦不堪 (Apple和Cherries是指twigs体内的肿瘤大小恰如水果一般)Breathe in, breathe out, pain呼吸进再吐出 都是疼痛No, no, novocaine不 不 不需要奴弗卡因 (止痛剂)Still maintain my grace我也能继续保持优雅姿态How come the more you have, the more that people want from you为什么你拥有得越多 他人便想要从你这儿掠夺走更多The more you burn away, the more the people earn from you你燃烧着自己 他们却靠你赚得更多The more you pull away, the more that they depend on you你越是把他们推开 他们则越加依赖于你I've never seen a hero like me in a sci-fi从未在科幻故事里见过和我一样的英雄So I wonder if your needs are even meant for me所以我想你的需要对我来说也同样重要I wonder if you think that I could never raise you up我想知道或许你是否以为我无法让你振奋I wonder if you think that I could never help you fly我想知道或许你以为我无法助你飞翔Never seen a hero like me in a sci-fi从未在科幻故事里见过和我一样的英雄But I'd save a life if I thought it belonged to you但我愿留我继续苟延残喘于世 我已认定我的生命只属于你Mary Magdalene would never let her loved ones down因为抹大拉的玛利亚 从不会让她的所爱之人失望I didn't know that you were lonely从未想到你也是孤身一人If you'd have just told me, I'd be home with you若你能早告诉我 我愿意随你一同回家I didn't know that you were lonely未曾想到你也同样孤身一人If you'd have just told me, I'd be running down the hills to you如果你能早告诉我 我会奔下高山来到你身旁When I visualize当我放空自己冥想All I see is black (Onyx)眼前都是漆黑Ground me to the floor把我扑倒在地板上Just a little more (Get it, onyx)再给我更多I know I've been gone放马来吧 我知道我已经狼狈不堪You've been all alone而你孤身一人Stoking at the fire for you煽起火苗Set the place alight照亮这个地方Call me late at night深夜里呼唤我And I'll be running home to you我会直奔向你的所在I didn't know that you were lonely从未想到你也是孤身一人If you'd have just told me, I'd be home with you若你能早告诉我 我愿意随你一同回家I didn't know that you were lonely未曾想到你也同样孤身一人If you'd have just told me, I'd be running down the hills to be with you如果你能早告诉我 我会奔下高山来到你身旁If you'd had told me, I'd be running down the hills to be with you如果你能早告诉我 我会奔下高山来到你身旁I'd be running down the hills to be with you我会奔下高山 不顾一切来到你身旁I never told you I was lonely too我未曾告诉你,我也同样孤身一人

标签: FKA twigs
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