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Russian Red 《The Memory Is Cruel》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

千君文化科技有限公司 23分钟前

She's not coming home tonight今晚,她没回家She says that she's left forever她说她永远地离开了And you're staying in the house你呆在房子之中Where she's going to live forever她曾说会永远住在这里And the memory is cruel记忆太过残酷It reminds there's no one new提醒着一切都是陈旧Time is nothing but a lie时间只是谎言If she's not coming home tonight如果她今夜不回家And your sleep will never be你不会睡去As good as it used to be就像往常一样When the one you love is gone当你爱的人离开When the one you love is gone当你爱的人离开While you're waiting for the sun你还在等待着太阳The space around you is very quiet周围异常寂静So you breath in  close your eyes深吸一口气,闭上双眼You can feel her warmth inviting you to dance你能感受到她的温暖,正邀请你共舞She's cruel  she reminds there's no one new她那么残忍,提醒你一切都是陈旧Time is nothing but a lie时间只是谎言If she's not coming home tonight如果她今夜不回家And your sleep will never be你不会睡去As good as it used to be就像往常一样When the one you love is gone当你爱的人离开When the one you love is gone当你爱的人离开

标签: Russian Red
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