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Kevin Rowe 《The Broken》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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The Broken - Kevin Rowe
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  1. 1 The Broken Kevin Rowe

There are so many broken hearts有许多破碎的心灵So many lives are torn apart无数心肠撕裂的生命Looking for something, looking for reason他们一直在寻找,找一个解释Finding escape in all the wrong places混乱裹挟,他们落荒而逃Getting battered and bruised, blinded and shaken饱受虐待,浑身淤青,茫然无助又在死亡的阴影中,恐惧颤抖!The world that we live in. This broken nation我们所生活的世界,这个破碎不堪的国家People want love, but they don't know where it is人们渴望爱,但是爱在哪里?他们找不到!Father release your new generation父啊,兴起这个世代吧!求你兴起一代人Who'll lead the lost and broken home就是那将要起来,引领迷路破碎的家庭回家的人So many homes have broken down多少家庭支离破碎Too many children's hopes fall to the ground多少孩子,希望碎落The homeless want freedom, and someone to feed them无家可归的人啊,他们渴想自由,他们渴望有人在他们垂死挣扎的时候,伸出援助之手!But we just walk by and we pretend we don't see them而我们却装作路过,对他们的呼求视而不见The broken need love and that love can't be broken破碎的心灵渴望爱,而这爱永不失败!The world that we live in. This broken nation我们生活的世界,国家多么痛不堪言People want love, but they don't know where it is人们渴望被爱,但是爱在哪里呢?Father release your new generation父啊,求你为了他们兴起这代人!Who'll lead the lost and broken home兴起这一代,为破碎哭泣的心灵毅然站立!There are children in the sand许多孩子在沙漠中流离失所Would you take them by the hand是你吗?你会起来,牵起他们的手,Lead them to the promised land带他们进入充满希望的应许之地吗?

标签: Kevin Rowe
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