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Neptune 《Shut Up I Love U》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Early stages thinking maybe从一开始我就在想I'm just happy you don't hate my shoes很高兴你不讨厌我的鞋品Or my tattoos或者我身上的纹身Kinda like the way you like就像你喜欢我身边的事物一样The things about me that I like about you我也开始渐渐喜欢上你了So is it too soon?这样的进展是不是太快了?To say I wanna come thru鼓起勇气,我想说I wanna try this, I wanna try you请让这份喜欢更进一步,我想和你在一起And I think if you knew think if you could我想如果你能从我的视角来看一看See your beautiful face你那躲在粉色墨镜后的美貌Hide behind your pink shades you would too你也会和我一样坠入爱河So stop listening to your mind所以不要再多想了Knowing your wrong thinking your right忘记自己的缺点,看看你是多么的优秀Just stop, baby look and you'll find all of my heart all of the time为我驻足,你会发现我的心一直都在等待着你I don't have all the answers我没法预言未来Where we end up I don't know也不知道我们会不会走向终结But shut up I love you但是,不必多言,我爱你Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你Conversations got me saying words I never even really knew聊着聊着就让我不小心说出了真心话I mean 'em too其实这也恰恰是我一直想说的Wanna stay here, wanna lay here, wanna see the sun replace the moon想默默驻足,想静静躺下,想看日升月落'Cause next to you只因为你在我的身边I wanna come through鼓起勇气,我想说I wanna try this, I wanna try you请让这份喜欢更进一步,我想和你在一起And I think if you knew, I think if you could我想如果你能从我的视角来看一看See your beautiful face你那躲在粉色墨镜后的美貌Hide behind your pink shades you would too你也会和我一样坠入爱河So stop listening to your mind所以不要再多想了Knowing your wrong thinking your right忘记自己的缺点,看看你是多么的优秀Just stop baby look and you'll find all of my heart all of the time为我驻足,你会发现我的心一直都在等待着你I don′t have all the answers我没法预言未来Where we end up I don't know也不知道我们会不会走向终结But shut up I love you但是,不必多言,我爱你Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你Shut up I love you不必多言Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你Shut up I love you不必多言Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你Shut up I love you不必多言Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你Shut up I love you不必多言Shut up I love you你只需要明白Shut up I love you so我深深的爱上了你

标签: Neptune
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