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La La Land Cast 《Another Day Of Sun》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

Molly 1分钟前

I think about that day又想起那天I left him at a Greyhound station圣达菲西边的灰犬车站West of Sante Fe我们就此分别We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true我们才17岁,气氛甜蜜而美好Still I did what I had to do但我仍然选择了离开'Cuz I just knew我知道这才是我应该做的Summer Sunday nights夏日周日的晚上We'd sink into our seats我们瘫坐在座位Right as they dimmed out all the lights影院的灯光变暗The Technicolor world made out of music and machine变幻的光影,悠扬的乐符It called me to be on that screen召唤着我And live inside each scene我可以是电影的主角!Without a nickel to my name名下没有一分钱Hopped a bus, here I came跳上了公车就来试演Could be brave or just insane是勇敢还是疯狂?We'll have to see只有过后才知道'Cuz maybe in that sleepy town因为某天在这慵懒的城市He'll sit one day, the lights are down他会坐在灯光熄灭的影院里He'll see my face and think of how he used to know me回想在哪里见过着这女主角Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights我在群星荟萃的洛杉矶And chasing all the lights that shine追寻着灯光与梦想And when they let you down当你对一次失败感到失望You'll get up off the ground你仍然会从地上爬起As morning rolls around清晨不久就会来到And it's another day of sun这又是阳光明媚的一天I hear them everyday峡谷的韵律每天在我耳畔响起The rhythms in the canyons that don't never fade away它们从不减退消散The ballads In the barrooms left by those who came before舞厅里人回响着我留下的民谣They say "you gotta want it more"但他们说你达不到我们要的水平So I bang on every door所以敲开每扇门寻找机会And even when the answer's no即使受到拒绝Or when my money's running low即使囊中羞涩The dusty mic and neon glow are all I need有音乐话筒和闪亮的霓虹就够了And some day as I sing the song有时A small-town kid will come along一个小城孩子会来听我唱歌That'll be the thing to push him on and go go那就是让他坚持下去的动力Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights我在群星荟萃的洛杉矶And chasing all the lights that shine追寻着灯光与梦想And when they let you down当你对一次失败感到失望You'll get up off the ground你仍然会从地上爬起As morning rolls around清晨不久就会来到And it's another day of sun这又是阳光明媚的一天When they let you down当你对一次失败感到失望The morning rolls around清晨不久就会来到It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天Just another day of sun这就是阳光明媚的一天It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天The day has just begun今天才刚刚开始It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天It's another day of sun又是阳光明媚的一天

标签: La La Land Cast
查看歌手音乐: La La Land Cast