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Flo Rida Sage the Gemini 《Game Time》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

忘川之上,桑梓之下 0分钟前

It's about to go down in a minute让我们在一分钟之内就开始游戏Let me touchdown I'mma get it让我触地得分 我做到了Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜To make it go from the friend zone to the end zone让这个游戏从主场区域持续到最后区Tryna take it to the house baby let's go试图把这个游戏延续到家中 宝贝 让我们开始吧Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜It's game time游戏时间到了I'mma hustler baby why you think they pay me我是个骗子 宝贝 你为何以为人们会为我买单Let me know when you're ready to roll如果你准备好开始漂移 就告诉我When you're ready to roll 180 in the gray Mercedes当你准备好用你灰色的梅德赛斯开到180码的时候South Beach where they love me the most迈阿密海滩的人们最欣赏我And you know they gon' watch me balling like I'm Michael Jordan你知道人们将热切地看我打球 就像我是迈克尔乔丹And always win like he did in the fourth总是所向披靡 就像他的四次夺冠战绩Like he did in the fourth就像他的四次夺冠战绩When the shots is falling and the phone recalled in如果投篮命中率下降 内线电话不断响起Yeah you know that we doing the most是的 你要知道我们已全力以赴HeyWe gon' make it rain rain rain我们将要来一场香槟雨Like we won the championship game就像我们已取得联谊赛的冠军那样庆祝We gon' need some more champagne to take it all the way我们需要更多的香槟来让这场庆典顺利举行下去It's about to go down in a minute让我们在一分钟之内就开始游戏Let me touchdown I'mma get it让我触地得分 我做到了Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜To make it go from the friend zone to the end zone让这个游戏从主场区域持续到最后区Tryna take it to the house baby let's go试图把这个游戏延续到家中 宝贝 让我们开始吧Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜It's game time游戏时间到了I'mma let you shop until your feet is sore我会带你去购物直到你双脚疼痛I'mma brought the credit card and我会带着我的信用卡Made from we follow只购买正牌奢侈品It's game time and I'm in the post游戏时间到了 我已经做好准备Nah me and your ex can't have the same score我和你的前任不可能会打平Tryna hit the end zone 'fore the friend zone试图从主场区域直接打入最后区And maybe bring friends to the end zone也许会把朋友带到最后区It's up to you when we in Syracuse这由你决定 当我们在锡拉库扎时Get you hot and cool you down I got the damn flu我会让你激情四射 也会让你万分沮丧 这由我来掌控We gon' make it rain rain rain我们将要来一场香槟雨Like we won the championship game就像我们已取得联谊赛的冠军那样庆祝We gon' need some more champagne to take it all the way我们需要更多的香槟来让这场庆典顺利举行下去It's about to go down in a minute让我们在一分钟之内就开始游戏Let me touchdown I'mma get it让我触地得分 我做到了Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜To make it go from the friend zone to the end zone让这个游戏从主场区域持续到最后区Tryna take it to the house baby let's go试图把这个游戏延续到家中 宝贝 让我们开始吧Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜It's game time游戏时间到了Step back hit 'em with the shake以退为进 用这战术迷惑对方Cross over going hard in the paint拼尽全力跨越禁区 穿越球场Hit that money in the bank赢得这联谊比赛的胜利All star watch me do it all day明星们整天都关注着我Step back hit 'em with the shake以退为进 用这战术迷惑对方Cross over going hard in the green拼尽全力跨越禁区 穿越球场Hit that money in the bank赢得这联谊比赛的胜利All star going hard全明星球赛正变得越来越难It's about to go down in a minute让我们在一分钟之内就开始游戏Let me touchdown I'mma get it让我触地得分 我做到了Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜To make it go from the friend zone to the end zone让这个游戏从主场区域持续到最后区Tryna take it to the house baby let's go试图把这个游戏延续到家中 宝贝 让我们开始吧Cause I I I been waiting all night因为我 我 我已经等了一整夜It's game time游戏时间到了

查看歌手音乐: Flo Rida Sage the Gemini