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︶??、  毒白

Ariana Grande Cashmere Cat 《Quit》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

︶??、 毒白 0分钟前

And you say that I'm the devil you know你说我是你的恶魔And I don't disagree no I don't see the harm可我并不这么认为 不 我从不在意什么伤痛They say you crazy just leave him he'll suffocate you人们都说 你太疯狂了 快离开他吧 他会使你遍体鳞伤But I wanna be in your arms但我却只想与你紧紧相拥They say no don't pick up the phone人们说 别接电话Let them think there's nobody home让他以为你不在家But I'm under your spell但我像是中了你的魔咒'Cause when you call my heart starts to roll每次受到你的召唤 我就情不自禁I always want more甚至渴望更多It's my heaven my hell让我欣喜 也让我悲伤We're heading deep inside lives a voice a voice so quiet在我的内心深处 有个声音时刻在提醒着我 要我离你而去But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine但当我与你紧紧相拥时 我早已理智全无 不顾一切I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我欲罢不能Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨I know I'm gonna regret it我知道 我定会抱憾终身When you said baby I just want you to lay me down但你说宝贝 我只想与你紧紧相偎And we'll f**k the pain away让我们尽情缠绵 驱散一切伤痛'Cause skin on skin I feel nothing but the burning of desire缠绵之时 我才发现我对你的渴望 难以湮灭And that's just foreplay早已欲罢不能We're heading deep inside lives a voice a voice so quiet在我的内心深处 有个声音时刻在提醒着我 要我离你而去But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine但当我与你紧紧相拥时 我早已理智全无 不顾一切I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you我无法戒掉你Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨I know I'm gonna regret it我知道 我定会抱憾终身I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you oh baby我无法戒掉你 宝贝I can't quit you我无法戒掉你I can't quit you oh babe我无法戒掉你 宝贝Gonna regret it错过你 我定会悔恨终生Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨Yeah I'm gonna regret it否则我定会终生悔恨I'm gonna regret it错过你 我定会悔恨终生I'm gonna regret it错过你 我定会悔恨终生Babe babe宝贝 宝贝Gonna regret it错过你 我定会悔恨终生Gonna I'm gonna regret it错过你 我定会悔恨终生

查看歌手音乐: Ariana Grande Cashmere Cat