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Queen 《Another One Bites the Dust》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

忘川之上,桑梓之下 0分钟前
Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Another One Bites the Dust Queen

Ooh, let's go!开始!Steve walks warily down the street史蒂夫小心翼翼地走在街上With the brim pulled way down low帽檐拉得很低Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet寂静的街上只能听到他的脚步声Machine guns ready to go机关枪已经准备就绪Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this?你准备好了吗?你准备好接受这一切了吗?Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?你是不是紧张得坐立不安?Out of the doorway the bullets rip子弹划破寂静夺门而出To the sound of the beat, yeah随着这节拍响声不停Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了And another one gone, and another one gone挂掉一个,又挂掉一个Another one bites the dust, yeah又一个人扑街了Hey, I'm gonna get you too嘿,我会把你也抓住Another one bites the dust又有一个人要扑街了How do you think I'm going to get along你认为当你离开之后,Without you, when you're gone我是怎么继续生活的?You took me for everything that I had你夺走了我的一切And kicked me out on my own然后一脚踢开了我Are you happy, are you satisfied?你高兴了吗?你满意了吗?How long can you stand the heat?我看你在这热度下还能坚持多久?Out of the doorway the bullets rip我的子弹在门外呼啸To the sound of the beat随着这节拍响个不停Look out注意了Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了And another one gone, and another one gone挂掉一个,又挂掉一个Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了Hey, I'm gonna get you, too嘿,下一个就是你Another one bites the dust又有一个人要扑街了Hey嘿Oh, take it做好准备Bite the dust败者食尘Bite the dust败者食尘Hey嘿Another one bites the dust又有一个人扑街了Another one bites the dust, ow又有一个人扑街了,嗷Another one bites the dust, hey hey又有一个人扑街了,嘿嘿Another one bites the dust, hey-eh-eh又有一个人扑街了,嘿嘿诶~Ooh喔呜~刹!There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man有很多方式,可以伤害一个男人And bring him to the ground然后把他击溃You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad你可以打他,你可以骗他,你可以对他很恶劣And leave him when he's down, yeah然后当他瘫倒在地时抛弃他But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you但我已准备好,是的为你做好了准备I'm standing on my own two feet我用我的双脚站立着Out of the doorway the bullets rip门外的枪响呼啸不停Repeating the sound of the beat重复着这节奏的声音Oh yeah哦耶Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了Another one bites the dust又一个人扑街了And another one gone, and another one gone干掉一个,又干掉一个Another one bites the dust, yeah又一个人扑街了Hey, I'm gonna get you, too嘿,我一定会抓住你!Another one bites the dust准备吃土吧你!Shoot out开火Ay-yeah耶Alright就是这样

标签: Queen
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