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仓木麻衣 《key to my heart》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

尊尼卡丹服饰 0分钟前

I close my eyes and我闭上双眼遥か遠くに見える空在一望无际的天空之下限りない夢を詰め込んで 今旅立つ蕴含着无尽的梦想 如今踏上旅程Winter or spring summer or fall冬与春 夏与秋気付かずに 不安を隠してた在不知不觉中隐藏起不安Won't you take me in your heart你是否将我牵挂在心交わす言葉 暗い道 照らす交谈的话语照亮了黑暗的道路You will always have the key to my heart你总是能使我敞开心扉通り雨が 優しさに変わる连骤雨也变得温柔起来ねぇ 悲しみがあるから 強くなれる悲伤使人坚强君と行くよ 明日への果てしない旅我会和你一起 踏上那无尽的旅程Won't you take me in your heart你是否将我牵挂在心I only want to be with you我只想和你在一起You will always have the key to my heart你总是能使我敞开心扉I only want to be with you我只想和你在一起Baby you're the key to me你总是能使我敞开心扉Open up and you will see打开我的心你会发现I'll always be right there我会在这一直等着你You know I will你知道我会等你and you know I care你知道我很在意Don't need a fancy car不需要昂贵的汽车I like you just the way you are我喜欢你本来的样子You know it's plain to see显而易见that you're the only one for me你是我的唯一

标签: 仓木麻衣