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Kenny Rogers 《Somewhere my love》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

爱尚视觉摄影 0分钟前

Somewhere my love there will be songs to sing

某处 那里有歌谣待我们轻唱

Although the snow covers the hope of Spring


Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and gold

某处 小山上开满绿色与金色的花

And there are dreams all that your heart can hold.


Someday' we'll meet again' my love

某天 我们会再聚首

Someday' whenever the Spring breaks through

那天 就在每当春天来临

You'll come to me out of the long ago

很久以前 你就会来找我

Warm as the wind' soft as the kiss of snow.

温润如此风 绵软如雪吻

'til then my sweet' think of me now and then

直到那时候 我亲爱的你 才时不时地想起我

God speed my love 'til you are mine again.

神明鼓动我的爱 直到你重返我身边

标签: Kenny Rogers
查看歌手音乐: Kenny Rogers