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︶??、  毒白

Skylar Grey 《Everything I Need》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

︶??、 毒白 0分钟前

Born on the wrong side of the ocean生在肆意汪洋那错误的一岸With all the tides against you伴着所有的潮浪都拍打着你You never thought you'd be much good for anyone你从未想象过自己也能如此美好But that's so far from the truth但事实并非如此I know there's pain in your heart我知道你的心底埋藏着痛苦And you're covered in scars你被伤痕累累所覆盖Wish you could see what I do希望你能看到我所做的一切'Cause baby, everything you are因为亲爱的 你想要拥有的一切Is everything I need就是我需要的一切You're everything to me你是我生命的意义Baby, every single part亲爱的 你身体的每个部分Is who you're meant to be那就是你注定将要成为的模样'Cause you were meant for me因为你与我命中注定And you're everything I need你就是我需要的一切You can say I'm wrong你可以说我痴人说梦You can turn your back against me你可以背过头去不再理睬But I am here to stay但我永远在这儿等待(I am here to stay)我愿意在这里Like the sea就如海浪She keeps kissing the shoreline本该永远挚情吻着那海岸No matter how many times he pushes her away无论海岸多少次将海浪推开'Cause baby, everything you are因为亲爱的 你想要拥有的一切Is everything I need就是我需要的一切You're everything to me你是我生命的意义Baby, every single part亲爱的 你身体的每个部分Is who you're meant to be那就是你注定将要成为的模样'Cause you were meant for me因为你与我命中注定And everything happens for a reason世间万事皆有缘由It's all a blessing in disguise从那初明的天幕伊始I used to question who I was我曾经问自己到底是谁Well now I see如今我终于明晰The answer's in your eyes那答案就在你的心底'Cause baby, everything you are因为亲爱的 你想要拥有的一切Is everything I need就是我需要的一切You're everything to me你是我生命的意义Baby, every single part亲爱的 你身体的每个部分Is who you're meant to be那就是你注定将要成为的模样'Cause you were meant for me因为你与我命中注定And you're everything I need你就是我生命的意义

标签: Skylar Grey