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HAEVN 《Back In The Water》[MP3-320K/7.3M]

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You're back in the rain, in over your head回旋在灰冥的雨中,针针渗入Back in the deep, old things unsaid坠落在幽暗之中,舔舐旧伤Back in the water, you're back in the water如在万籁俱寂中,浸透河底Leaving the last call for your heart最后再容我爱抚一次Begging for so long低声坑求Won't you come back in the water, back in the water你也不愿卷入漩涡,深入混沌The night fell slowly on our glory days夜幕来袭抹盖璀璨年华I lie awake to see you fade away半醒的我见你浅浅身影You're lost without a trace可你已无影无踪And when you're hiding on the water倘若你迈入这柔情似水I'll be waiting till you're ready for my love待你备好我愿献上真心When you've washed away your sorrow倘若你洗尽了一生繁琐I'll be right here, till you're ready for the road我仍原地备上我的真心'Cause I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我愿与你山盟海誓(无论何时何地)'Cause I will go with– (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我愿与你浓情蜜意(无论何年何月)I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我愿与你比翼双飞(无论何事何处)I will go with–(wherever you want, let's stay forever)我愿...(为你赴汤蹈火,海枯石烂)So tell me your lies and all your fears所以告诉我一切的谎言与忌惮What took away your faith from here?是什么夺走了你的信仰?Back in the water, back in the water落入忧蓝的海域中,再次沉寂I'm waiting for so long, won't you hide望穿秋水,不要再藏匿Trade in your darkness for the light与我同幽暗交织光明Back in the water, back in the water再次沉溺,与“我”共舞The night fell slowly on our glory days深夜来临掩盖粲焕时光And when you're hiding on the water倘若你迈入这深情似水I'll be waiting till you're ready for my love待你备好我愿献上真心When you've washed away your sorrow倘若你洗尽了一生凡尘I'll be right here, till you're ready for the road我仍原地备上我的真心I'll be on the watch until it's over只望守候一世I'll put my back against the door只愿为你做守门人Your love is easier on the road盼你来的轻轻柔柔Not anymore无需牵挂I'm feeling the way the song should我想便是情曲之意I see your dark clouds in the room就算乌云遮盖着房檐I found the stream that pulls you under我也会寻获你一丝残留的气流Not anymore再无担心'Cause I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我会与你情情柔柔(无论何时何地)'Cause I will go with– (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我会与你浓浓绵绵(无论何年何月)I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我会与你恩恩爱爱(无论何事何处)To where you're hiding on the water (wherever you want, let's stay forever)向我迈入这温情似水(为你恪守情道,生生相守)'Cause I will go with, I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我会与你情比金坚(为你情有独钟,始终如一)I will go with (wherever you want, let's stay forever)我会与你天长地久(为你地老天荒,从一而终)

查看歌手音乐: HAEVN