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Stick Figure 《World on Fire》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

邑兔 4分钟前

If I had all the money in the world如果我拥有世上所有的金钱I'd probably burn it all我可能会把它全烧了If I had all the riches in the world如果我拥有世上所有的财富I'd surely burn it all我绝对会把它全烧了One in a million, money gonna kill a man毕竟有人因钱而毁灭Why must we lose control?我们为什么非得失控?Blaze up a fire storm, the people getting higher from觊觎他人的财富,人们变得愈加疯狂The smoke of another man's gold由此引燃一场战火Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?It was me, I set the world on fire是我,是我点燃了世界If I could rule the world如果我能统治世界You know I'd love you all你知道的,我会爱你们所有人If a smile could save the world如果一个微笑就可以拯救世界You know I'd heal you all你知道的,我会疗愈你们所有人Burn like a wildfire, lighting up the night sky像野火一样燃烧,照亮夜空Love is not never enough爱永不嫌多Maybe in another life, I'll see them on the other side或许在另一个世界,我将看到人们在彼岸The people them all singing about love歌颂着爱Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?It was me, I set the world on fire是我,是我点燃了世界Who wants control over everything?谁想控制一切?If money steals your soul then only trouble it can bring如果金钱偷走了你的灵魂,麻烦便会接踵而至Loving as a whole, only thing that conquers we博爱是唯一能够征服我们的东西So let it be told, let the whole world, them sing让我们来将它传唱,将它歌颂Who got a light? you put them light up to them herbs谁有火?你点燃了他们的香草We can smoke and get more higher when your mind it gets disturbed当你烦躁时,我们可以来根烟放松放松We can set the world on fire and then watch as it all burns还可以放把火,然后看着整个世界燃烧殆尽Or light it up and pass it, smoking all be taking turns或者点燃香烟,一个接一个地吞云吐雾Don't ever need no money, don't need silver don't need gold不需要钱,不需要银,不需要金Only thing them ever wanted is some herbs that they can hold他们唯一想要的就是能够握在手里的香草If the only thing you loves the kind of green that you can fold如果你唯一想要的就是那种能在手中折叠的绿色We can set it all on fire, let the fire fill your soul那么我们可以把一切都付之一炬,让火焰充盈你的灵魂Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?It was me, I set the world on fire是我,是我点燃了世界Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?Who set the world on fire?谁点燃了世界?It was me, I set the world on fire是我,是我点燃了世界

标签: Stick Figur
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