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Braska 《划界》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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命运降临人世那刻起是否已经被注定想打破限界探求世界的真理梦想赋予生命源动力找寻我的定义黑暗的尽头是新的起点还是终极人生总在 黑白间 两极不定夹缝中 得以喘息灰色的无限究竟还藏有多少的 可能性世界从未停止 旋转和更替暗夜中 等待黎明是心的指引还是遵从了本能惯性看 世界的光影时空都任我行穿梭于银河系(Traveling through space and time)不轻易被限定(Break all rules without limiting)风中摇曳 闪烁飘零星光划过天宇各自绽放美丽的生灵刻下自己的印记灵魂别妄图写入程序仿造有机生命崩坏的秩序 又将由谁来抚平心情总在 寒暖间 飘忽不定克制抑或是随性每种色彩 都有意义也不必和谁相近存在是最坚不可摧的真实缺失也能够绮丽将无力舍弃微笑迎接破晓的光明看 世界的光影时空都任我行穿梭于银河系(Traveling through space and time)不轻易被限定(Break all rules without limiting)风中摇曳 闪烁飘零星光划过天宇各自绽放美丽的生灵刻下自己的印记聆听 内心最深处的声音风雨后万籁俱寂最炽热灵魂 也透明洞悉 万物万灵生命不同频率俯瞰这世界 打破了次元 穿行看 世界的光影时空都任我行穿梭于银河系(Traveling through space and time)不轻易被限定(Break all rules without limiting)风中摇曳 闪烁飘零星光划过天宇各自绽放美丽的生灵刻下自己的印记Follow the voice of your heartDefine yourself the way you areThe world is not revolving on dualityJust go into the light and cast all fears awayThere is no bind in youAnd you'll see the worldFollow the voice of your heartDefine yourself the way you areThe world is not revolving on dualityJust go into the light and cast all fears awayThere is no bind in youAnd you'll see the world

标签: Braska
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