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奇迹的魔术师 《燃星曲》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

我不是企鹅 0分钟前

谁曾在此地沉眠,谁远望人间冰封火焰的深处,英雄睁开双眼Hearing a voice called my name, once and once again(听见有人唤我名,一遍又一遍)To end the chaos with my mech. I’ll be the one(用机甲斩断混乱吧,我即终结者)当我 回看深渊 举起长剑 那黑暗灰飞烟灭愿我 终将凯旋 刻在胸口誓言 那是战士的冠冕Toast to the war, wake in the wind, held to ground(敬战争一杯酒,醒在风里头,仍将沃土守)Can we build new world?(我们能建造新世界吗?)要用血泪荡山河 号角已经吹彻 踏上风干的骨骼 杀尽神魔Let‘s go~born in dust die in the thorn 星甲仍闪烁(去吧!生于尘埃死于荆棘)英雄必复活The glory must belong to us 让历史记住传说(荣耀必将属于我们)Hearing a voice called my name, once and once again(听见有人唤我名,一遍又一遍)To end the chaos with my mech. I’ll be the one(用机甲斩断混乱吧,我即终结者)当我 回看深渊 举起长剑 黑暗灰飞烟灭愿我 终将凯旋 刻在胸口誓言 那是战士的冠冕Toast to the war, wake in the wind, held to ground(敬战争一杯酒,醒在风里头,仍将沃土守)Can we build new world?(我们能创造新世界吗?)要用血泪荡山河 号角已经吹彻 踏上风干的骨骼 杀尽神魔Let‘s go~born in dust die in the thorn 星甲仍闪烁(去吧!生于尘埃死于荆棘)英雄必复活The glory must belong to us 让历史记住传说(荣耀必将属于我们)Toast to the war, wake in the wind, held to ground(敬战争一杯酒,醒在风里头,仍将沃土守)Can we build new world?(我们能创造新世界吗?)钢锋铁盾造极乐 才坐拥新王国 再唱响末日战歌 就在此刻Let‘s go~born in dust die in the thorn 星甲仍闪烁(去吧!生于尘埃死于荆棘)英雄必复活Remember me or forget me 归来的人将是我(记得我或遗忘我)

标签: 奇迹的魔术师
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