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NINEONE# 《Dear X》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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总嗅不到临近的危险面对伸手我没忍住把自己推向万丈深渊旖旎光芒堵塞在车水马龙城市的艳俗 硬朗建筑联动 梦想家的电路我在逆行始终摸不透这地形我逃避 了白天过分的神经崩坏就像个异形在目光中存活的概率微乎其微七情六欲的看守 为了未知的人 拼命追别追问我 那些直觉我曾追溯过背负过所以不再轻易 流眼泪没什么珍贵的 尊贵的那些蓄意提高了分贝的只会让我无视并昏睡着hook:I went so farFaced my fear and thats for youAll the past and lastLet goThere's nothing I can loseThere's nothing I can loseverse2:Dear you 从来都不后悔Dear you 守护在我周围只是骄傲 永远藏不住华丽的时光还没拉开幕一直在我身体里的光像彩虹拥有七色他们说死亡瞬间体重会轻二十一克欢呼声的另一侧喑哑地保持饥饿苟且蹒跚在低温中 可我没放弃吸热最精确的伤 最该拿来 提醒误差费尽心血的方式 只为让你领悟它我无法参透 因为明知故问只是鉴于骗与被骗的关系本来就是一场骗局hook:I went so farFaced my fear and thats for youAll the past and lastLet goThere's nothing I can loseThere's nothing I can losebridge:Dear you can you hear meDear you can you go along with meDear you can you feel meDear you can you come with mehook:I went so farFaced my fear and thats for youAll the past and lastLet goThere's nothing I can loseThere's nothing I can lose