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Eric Enn

李常超 《We will be alright / 安安》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

Eric Enn 1分钟前

当沸腾的节日变成冰冷的存在The warm festival turned into a cold one病毒和人们扳起手来Viruses were wrestling with humans当生死不停把亲情爱情字字拆开When death separated lovers without stop泪水汗水被口罩掩盖Tears and sweat were covered by masks都说悲恸是个体隐秘的感慨It was said that grief is the sigh of individuals总有人们因恐惧将彼此隔离开People were always isolated by fear当和平也这样划出了国界Even peace was expelled别害怕负重前行 光与暗同在Don’t be afraid, light is along with the darkWe will be alright,life is short but wide.我们会好的,人生短暂却宽阔,There are some natures too noble can not hide.有些天性太过高贵是不会被隐没的,Never ever let it fade way, standing in the dawn light.请让它永驻,捋觅晨曦。疾病灾难会成为岁月的尘埃Disasters and diseases would be the dust of past.大地苍茫终会被绿装如期覆盖The land will be painted into green in time当阳光照进你我 不会再躲开While breeze kisses cherry bloosms, call for love together自由的风拂过樱花 一起来呼唤爱While breeze kisses cherry bloosms, call for love togetherWe will be alright,life is short but wide.我们会好的,人生短暂却宽阔,There are some natures too noble can not hide.有些天性太过高贵是不会被隐没的,Never ever let it fade way, standing in the dawn light.请让它永驻,捋觅晨曦。We will be alright, cast your fears aside.我们会好的,战胜你的怯弱。We are the sum of moments of our lives.我们是汪洋大海里的众多水滴。We are bound to each others life,我们和其他人紧紧相连,birth of future by kindness and crime.我们的恶行善举决定着我们未来的重生。We will be alright, cast your fears aside.我们会好的,战胜你的怯弱。We are the sum of moments of our lives.我们是汪洋大海里的众多水滴。We are bound to each others life,我们和其他人紧紧相连,birth of future by kindness and crime.我们的恶行善举决定着我们未来的重生。

标签: 李常超