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刘柏辛Lexie 《Sleep Away》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Sleep Away - 刘柏辛Lexie
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Sleep Away 刘柏辛Lexie

触碰的柔软 持续蔓延像是船舶终于靠岸 太平洋温度的缠绵我甘愿沦为 沧海一粟的平凡 却只是今晚You are telling me not to think too much(你告诉我不要多想)加主观臆断你披着星辰来世界顶端陌生熟悉的信任给我心安You are too different from them baby(你和他们太不一样了)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)你的眼 流淌着波浪的蓝熙攘人潮涌动着旧爱新欢I’ve been thinking about u lately(我最近常常想起你)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)你到底是否 在我身边像是鲸鱼潮汐搁浅 阳光下低沉呜咽我渴望拥有微风看到的视野漂浮上升空中 寻着你的行踪伴着你一路狂奔 卷起了漫天一路扬尘你披着星辰来世界顶端陌生熟悉的信任给我心安You are too different from them baby(你和他们太不一样了)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)你的眼 流淌着波浪的蓝熙攘人潮涌动着旧爱新欢I’ve been thinking about u lately(我最近常常想起你)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)Red bottom Louboutin and Yves Saint Laurent房间散落满地的星光微妙颤动着的心脏You know that I ain't ready yet I know that you know where she at(其实我并未为即将到来的一切做好准备,你最好还是回到她身边)Empty your glass and get outta(杯中的酒已干涸请你就此离开吧,)my sight then tonight you'll be gone but I know that we are better than that babe(虽然我的双眼依然在渴求)Why don’t you stay with me(你为什么不能留下呢)贪婪地深呼吸氧气时而怯懦哽咽着我的勇气难开口唯一唯一唯一你披着星辰来世界顶端陌生熟悉的信任给我心安You are too different from them baby(你和他们太不一样了)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)你的眼 流淌着波浪的蓝熙攘人潮涌动着旧爱新欢I’ve been thinking about u lately(我最近常常想起你)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)不能说与你与你无关脑海里候鸟飞过湖蓝请你倾听我沉默呼喊I’m calling your name(我在呼唤着你的名字)你的眼 流淌着波浪的蓝熙攘人潮涌动着旧爱新欢I’ve been thinking about u lately(我最近常常想起你)I hope you know it know it know it(你知道的)Why don’t you stay with me(你为什么不能留下呢)贪婪地深呼吸氧气时而怯懦哽咽着我的勇气难开口唯一唯一唯一

标签: 刘柏辛Lexie