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.. 陈信 Jc Martin 《我是街头霸王》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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陈信/Jc Martin/Ye Yan/MC Singh/郑雅婷--隆(Akinobu陈信):刺身が大好き eat some sushi from local我只爱吃来自我老家最正宗的生鱼片私と fight battle 考えないで championは俺别想和我battle 冠军是我的真剣な戦鬪は负けない we keep it real保持真我 真之格斗永远都不会服输升龙拳 dancing under sakura I'm samurai樱花树下独舞 我是升龙拳武士スカーフをかぶって快戴上头巾私の流れに従い跟随我的潮流こぶしが痕迹を刻んで每一击重拳都刻上了我的烙印街を占める we will fight again我们将再次战斗 重新占领属于我的街头古烈(Jc martin):Reporting in for the US air force美国空军在此报道Uniform adorned with the color red white and blue身穿搭配着红白蓝的制服Camo pants with military boots and dog tags迷彩裤军装靴还有义胆军魂Better trust when I say that I'm coming for straight for you当我出现在你面前你也只能乖乖认命Now rookie better listen close好了新兵蛋子你给我听清楚了Cuz boy you've got to learn the ropes你必须要掌握诀窍You wanna catch up但你想要赶上我But for you there ain't no hope根本没有希望Steel determination paired with giant's strength钢铁般的决心搭配上我的巨大力量It's time for the best to take to the streets是时候回到我的街区And fight to earn my rightful place夺回我的王位郑雅婷:Every time my heart is fierce beating每当我的心脏猛烈的跳动It remind me not to stop fighting那在提醒我不要停止战斗越去想 越要闯I'll let the stage be burning我将会舞台燃起战火Every time my heart is fierce beating每当我的心脏猛烈的跳动It remind me not to stop fighting那在提醒我不要停止战斗あきらめない我不会说放弃I'll be the star with shining我将会成为最耀眼的巨星春丽(Ye yan):我既百烈脚被疯传发热住嘅气功拳 哈令你 combo突然被中断 pla你已经被打败毋须揣测一切预料之内由我掌握横扫街头 点只此刻纪录我要 准备纸笔They call me格斗女皇春丽绝对冇你念得咁身娇肉贵再度踏上擂台卷土重来不管谁来个啲假气势全被我覆盖Everybody等我 control泥场比赛达尔锡(Mc singh):Yo I've never shown my curry flow从不炫耀我的咖喱flowTrain yoga fire soul everyday keep it let me dope修炼瑜伽 让我每天身手特别6Gold chain skulls upon my chest diamonds on my wrist I do attest金色骷颅项链在我胸前 钻石手镯在我手腕上No limit no stopping is my mantra让我来表明 我的能力没有上限And here I've come to put it to the test而我来到这里 是为了检验我口头禅 永不停歇My presence makes you quiver as you go through the Ganges river当你穿越过恒河 我的出现让你颤抖They keep on watching but they have no idea they'll search forever他们只能眼睁睁地看着我 但也毫无办法 他们只能一直探索击败我的计谋Flame god agni give me the strongest power power power火神阿古尼 赐予我强大的力量Holding both my fists my enemies will cower cower cower握紧我的双拳 战场上的敌人只会退缩郑雅婷:Every time my heart is fierce beating每当我的心脏猛烈的跳动It remind me not to stop fighting那在提醒我不要停止战斗越去想 越要闯I'll let the stage be burning我将会舞台燃起战火Every time my heart is fierce beating每当我的心脏猛烈的跳动It remind me not to stop fighting那在提醒我不要停止战斗あきらめない我不会说放弃I'll be the star with shining我将会成为最耀眼的巨星

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