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水木年华 《完美世界 (自由版)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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不知日落月升多少个夏秋不知我已这样奔跑了多久我从出生就注定一生的寻求远方那完美世界的爱和自由Fly with meIn the perfect worldGo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦自由的天地这样沉默爱你不知有多久我愿付出我的生命和所有我要你不顾一切跟我走去向那完美世界的爱和自由Fly with meIn the perfect worldGo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦我们在一起Fly with meIn the perfect worldGo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦自由的天地Fly with meIn the perfect worldGo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦我们在一起Fly with me

标签: 水木年华