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周杰伦 《Now You See Me》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Now You See Me - 周杰伦
00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Now You See Me 周杰伦

我的幻术是超能力我天生神力你的魔术要靠道具还真不给力你话术耍耍嘴皮声东击西分散注意我根本不理省点力气你还真有耐性啊玩一玩纸牌消失了钱币手里变出白鸽都是小朋友的把戏猜你应该使用了障眼的把戏不然你看一看你旁边的观众他们都跑到哪去出神入化雾里看花跟我拼命你会输掉所有筹码出神入化浪迹天涯认真起来我连我自己都害怕Now you see me cuz I let it beWanna find the key you gotta follow my beatNow you see me cuz I let it be我的幻术存在但看不见证据Now you see me cuz I let it beWanna find the key you gotta follow my beatNow you see me cuz I let it be我的幻术让你沉迷看穿你One two three fourOne two three four倒数计时睁开眼置身在不同的城市One more two moreOne more two more你看不见我看不见我看不见我看不见我看不见我难度就像乌龟翻跟斗看不见我你就是扶不起的阿斗看不见我不然你早已跟我握手看不见我万一看见的人是只小狗出神入化雾里看花跟我拼命你会输掉所有筹码出神入化浪迹天涯认真起来我连我自己都害怕Now you see me cuz I let it beWanna find the key you gotta follow my beatNow you see me cuz I let it be我的幻术存在但看不见证据Now you see me cuz I let it beWanna find the key you gotta follow my beatNow you see me cuz I let it be我的幻术让你沉迷看穿你

标签: 周杰伦