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Geniuz F the Future Dough-Boy 《望穿抽水》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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望穿抽水 - Geniuz F the Future Dough-Boy
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  1. 1 望穿抽水 Geniuz F the Future Dough-Boy

Seanie P:Delete 哂我D friend唔要再见到我自己点解咁多Hashtag因为个个都自卑根本冇嘢值得睇通通将佢dislike好多b*tch 好多like好多 follow 好多鸡我由你水你继续抽我由你女你继续沟全世界一样都系咁丑我把囗一样都系咁臭我老细一样都系咁**D小丑 一样都系咁丑D臭閪 一样都系咁臭边个整容 系你女友有人死就呃个like全世界一齐R.I.P一张相就post 几次 系咪惊死无人知而个城市好得意报纸杂志全部丑事**下港猪 **下政治咪赖有意义 键盘战士**埋嗰个狂舞派再**埋成个hiphop界四大元素 咪呃细路仲keep住地下 懒有态度伪文青 文化沙漠就系而道 睇唔睇倒**埋future **埋dough**埋Tommy here we goTommy Grooves:来用我双手 缝实你把口无谓再听果班废物谈如何春秋**你 鸠up去到世界尽头一味抽水 但系实力未够明明无深沟 狂露个心口然后摆出一副相貌谈何其悲忧等我碌鸠 办向你个柒头D狗公多到可以大合奏Geniuz F:从来 只需要抽水准边个仲在 意有冇水准有几尽 就抽到几尽不过净系呃到班死蠢自信同能力 唔成正比抽水係搵食 嘅成名技搵人衬托 玩音乐 懒有道理讲到尾 为咗名利我望穿 你抽水 我拣咗 unfollow你戆居 当有趣 用旁 门左道啲followers 多到假质素多数差 正正衬返你一直所做Fake E.D.M.**** 呢啲声仲咁天真 东门电音Bang bang bang留返比班靓klan听一年 三百 六十 五日谂紧点样呃like不变 嘅系逐日监察 搵紧边样 借题发挥抽水就抽水 因为佢冇内涵冇料就收咀 点由佢咁喺 我面前再扮Tommy Grooves:来用我双手 缝实你把口无谓再听果班废物谈如何春秋**你 鸠up去到世界尽头一味抽水 但系实力未够明明无深沟 狂露个心口然后摆出一副相貌谈何其悲忧等我碌鸠 办向你个柒头D狗公多到可以大合奏Dough-Boy:They told me if you wanna make a name you gotta ride the waveBut I just couldn't listen to the s**t you ******* trying to sayI'm Dough-Boy I got skinny middle fingers for your ******* faceGuess we won't meet again so have a nice ******* dayIn Hong Kong we just like to laugh at peopleLike it's part of usGossips on the internet this s**t is getting hard to trustB*tches want attention so they messing with their photoshopEditing the s**t out their faces and their halter topsSuddenly everybody's talking about politicsAs if the world revolves around them and they know bout all that s**tSo they post a video mocking all their enemiesAnd that's how you get likes boy overnight celebrityAndy Warhol said it best you got your 15 minutes nowIf you got a good amount of followers you in the crowdI'm always frowning in my pictures that's just me in real lifeCause I'm surrounded by these ******* that's how it feels likeTommy Grooves:来用我双手 缝实你把口无谓再听果班废物谈如何春秋**你 鸠up去到世界尽头一味抽水 但系实力未够明明无深沟 狂露个心口然后摆出一副相貌谈何其悲忧等我碌鸠 办向你个柒头D狗公多到可以大合奏正柒頭正柒頭
