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林生祥 《远行》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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远行 - 林生祥
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  1. 1 远行 林生祥

很久以前 我指著遠方的天際我說想要當最遙遠的星星妳笑著 不說話看著我帶著初春的青草味幸好 我不憂傷我把憂傷給了風讓它帶去 黑色的大地幸好 我不冷漠我把冷漠給了雨讓它帶去 深色大海裡很久以後 我指著同樣的夜空我說想要去遠行妳笑著 依然不說話看著我像夏夜的蟬鳴聲幸好 我不恐懼我把恐懼給了雲讓它帶去 無盡的森林我走向 遙遠神秘的星空幸好我什麼都不是我只是微不足道的煙塵飄蕩在妳的身邊Long ago, I pointed at the far horizonI said I wanted to be the farthest starYou smiled and looked at mequietly wearing the first grassy scent of springLucky that I’m not sorrowfulI gave my sorrow to the wind to be carried to the dark landsLucky that I’m not indifferentI gave my indifference to the rain to be carried to the dusky seasA long time after, I pointed at the same night skyI said I wanted to journey far awayYou smiled and still looked at me quietly like the singing of cicadas on summer nightsLucky that I’m not afraidI gave my fear to the clouds to be carried to the endless forestsI walk toward the far, mysterious, starry skyLucky that I’m not anything I am only passing smokeDrifting by your side

标签: 林生祥
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