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月光  久违的笑

Nightwish 《Amaranth》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

月光 久违的笑 0分钟前

Baptised with a perfect name受洗之后被赐予一个完美的名The doubting one by heart一个让人打从心底怀疑的名字Alone without himself那是个让他失去自我的孤名War between him and the day与时代的斗争Need someone to blame需要一个代罪的羔羊In the end, little he can do alone直到最后,什麼也做不了You believe but what you see难道你相信眼前所见的假象?You receive but what you give难道你得到一切后却又得付出?Caress the one, the Never-Fading轻抚著你心中那场永不停歇的大雨Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow雪白悲伤的泪水Caress the one, the hiding amaranth轻抚著那朵隐藏於In a land of the daybreak日出大地中的永不凋零之花Apart from the wandering pack离开漫游的人群In this brief flight of time we reach在这短暂的时空裡For the ones, whoever dare我们寻找著勇敢的人们You believe but what you see难道你相信眼前所见的假象?You receive but what you give难道你得到一切后却又得付出?Caress the one, the Never-Fading轻抚著你心中那场永不停歇的大雨Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow雪白悲伤的泪水Caress the one, the hiding amaranth轻抚著那朵隐藏於In a land of the daybreak日出大地中的永不凋零之花Caress the one, the Never-Fading轻抚著你心中那场永不停歇的大雨Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow雪白悲伤的泪水Caress the one, the hiding amaranth轻抚著那朵隐藏於In a land of the daybreak日出大地中的永不凋零之花Reaching, searching for something untouched伸出双手寻找著那位被玷污的事物Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling竖耳聆听那永不淡出的召唤Caress the one, the Never-Fading轻抚著你心中那场永不停歇的大雨Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow雪白悲伤的泪水Caress the one, the hiding amaranth轻抚著那朵隐藏於In a land of the daybreak日出大地中的永不凋零之花Caress the one, the Never-Fading轻抚著你心中那场永不停歇的大雨Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow雪白悲伤的泪水Caress the one, the hiding amaranth轻抚著那朵隐藏於In a land of the daybreak日出大地中的永不凋零之花

标签: Nightwish