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Eminem 《Lose Yourself》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

陌上桑 13分钟前

Look' if you had one shot' one opportunity嘿!如果你有一次机会To seize everything you ever wanted…One moment只有一瞬间的机会 去抓住你想要拥有的一切Would you capture it or just let it slip?你会紧紧攥住,还是就让它这样溜走?His palms are sweaty' knees weak' arms are heavy他双臂沉重 膝盖发软 手掌满是汗水There's vomit on his sweater already' mom's spaghetti妈妈做的意大利面已经吐在了毛衣上He's nervous' but on the surface he looks calm and ready他很紧张,但他表现得很冷静To drop bombs' but he keeps on forgetting准备好引爆全场 却不停地忘记What he wrote down' the whole crowd goes so loud那些他写好的歌词 人群开始起哄He opens his mouth' but the words won'te come out他张开了嘴 连一个单词都吐不出来He's chokin' how everybody's jokin now他“哑巴”了 每个人都在嘲笑他The clock's run out' time's up over' bloah!时间到 表演结束 完蛋啦!Snap back to reality' Oh there goes gravity被打回现实 脚像灌了铅一般Oh' there goes Rabbit' he choked噢!Rabbit他哑巴了He's so mad but he won't give up that Easy?他很羞恼 但他却没有轻易的放弃No不He won't have it he knows his whole back's to these ropes他不会放弃 他知道这儿的规矩 已经没戏了It don't matter' he's ***********他能战胜所有人 他知道的He knows that' but he's broke没关系 他只是卡壳了He's so stagnant he knows他很不爽 因为他知道When he goes back to this mobile home' that's when it's他又要回到拖车里Back to the lab again yo埋头钻进“实验室” yoThis whole rhapsody在这个满是说唱的鬼地方He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him他最好紧紧抓住这个瞬间 然后祈祷它不要溜走You better lose yourself in the music' the moment你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里You own it' you better never let it go这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo这个机会一生中只会有一次You better lose yourself in the music' the moment你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里You own it' you better never let it go这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo这个机会一生中只会有一次The soul's escaping' through this hole that it's gaping灵魂正在从裂开的孔洞中逃走This world is mine for the taking这个世界我说了才算Make me king' as we move toward a' new world order指定新世界的秩序 我就是王A normal life is borin' but superstardom's close to post-mortem平淡的生活是无趣的 但是巨星的生活面临着许多危险It only grows harder homie grows hotter这样的路只会更加艰难却又更加性感He blows us all over these hoes is all on him他震撼了我们所有人 女人们都为他发狂Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter巡回演出让他像一个世界旅行家Lonely roads, God only knows只有上帝知道他走的路有多么孤独He's grown farther from home, he's no father背井离乡太久 他不是个好父亲He goes home and barely knows his own daughter回到家他甚至差点认不出自己的女儿But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water这儿有冷水 捏住你的鼻子 让自己清醒一下These hose don't want him no mo, he's cold product他受到了冷落 被摁在了冷板凳上They moved on to the next schmoe who flows他们找了另一个巧舌如簧的家伙He nose dove and sold nada他被放了鸽子 唱片没戏了So the soap opera is told and unfolds肥皂剧开始上演I suppose it's old potna, but the beat goes on我觉得这故事太老套了 但节奏还在继续Da da dum da dum da daDa da dum da dum da daYou better lose yourself in the music, the moment你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里You own it, you better never let it go这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo这个机会一生中只会有一次You better lose yourself in the music你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里The moment, you own it, you better never let it go (Go!)这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo这个机会一生中只会有一次You better…你最好…No more games' I'ma change what you call rage别玩儿了 我要改变你们所谓的流行Tear this *********in roof off like 2 dogs caged把TMD这狗笼子一样的屋顶撕开吧I was playin in the beginnin' the mood all changed我一开始只是在玩 现在要认真了I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage我曾经被臭骂 唾弃 轰下台But I kept rhymin and stepped right in the next cypher但我一直在哼唱写着下一个节拍Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper最好相信有人给花衣魔笛手付了钱All the pain inside amplified by the fact所有内心的痛苦不断加重That I can't get by with my 9 to 5因为我不能再过这种朝九晚五的生活And I can't provide the right type of life for my family我不能给我的家人提供正确的生活Cuz man' these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers因为这些该死的救济粮票连尿布都买不了And it's no movie' there's no Mekhi Phifer' this is my life这不是电影,这里也没有Mekhi Phifer,这就是我的生活And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder这些日子真的很艰难 甚至还会更艰难Tryin to feed and water my seed' plus想要我的孩子健康成长就要更加辛勤劳动Teeter totter caught up between being a father and a prima donna其实做一个父亲的责任快赶上第一夫人了Baby mama drama's screaming on her宝贝 妈妈戏剧演员般的吵架声Too much for me to wanna还有太多的琐事以至于我想要Stay in one spot' another day of monotony呆在一个过没有单调乏味的日子的地方Has gotten me to the point' I'm like a snail已经到了转折点 我却还像蜗牛一样拿不定主意I've got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot要制定一个计划了 否则我的结局要么是坐牢 要么是被枪杀Success is my only *********in option' failure's not成功是我TMD唯一的机会 绝不能失败Mom' I love you' but this trailer's got to go妈妈我爱你 但是这拖车真的应该滚蛋I cannot grow old in Salem's lot我不能在满是吸血鬼的地方活到老So here I go is my shot.所以我要把握这次机会Feet fail me not this maybe the only opportunity that I got谁都不能阻拦我 因为这可能是我唯一能抓住的机会You better lose yourself in the music' the moment你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里You own it' you better never let it go这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo这个机会一生中只会有一次You better lose yourself in the music' the moment你现在最好把自己投入到音乐里You own it' you better never let it go这是属于你的时刻 你最好别再让它逃走You only get one shot' do not miss your chance to blow你只有一次引爆全场的机会 别错过This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo这个机会一生中只会有一次You can do anything you set your mind to' man世上无难事 只怕有心人 伙计

标签: Eminem
查看歌手音乐: Eminem
 Eminem 《Elevator》[FLAC/MP3-320K]