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Halsey 《Still Learning》[MP3-320K/8.3M]

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I should be living the dream我本该生活在美轮美奂的梦里But I'm living with a security team可我不得不在层层安保下苟活And that ain't gonna change no而那丝毫无可改变 无需多想I got a paranoia in me我对自己近乎苛求偏执And you wouldn't believe达到令人难以相信的地步Everything that I seen no我眼中所见一切Coming apart at the seams都离完美差一线And no one around me knows身边的人并不明了Who I am我是谁What I'm on有何所求Who've I hurt我曾伤害过哪些人And where they gone如今他们又在哪里I know that I done some wrong我知道我曾犯过错But I'm trying to make it right我也试图挽回To the one I love让我所爱之人Bring me round伴我左右Get me out帮我脱困Right now此时此刻And know that I love you你知道我爱你But I'm still learning to love myself但我仍在学着爱自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己I'm still learning to love myself我仍在学着爱自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己I should be living the dream我本该生活在美轮美奂的梦里But I go home and I got no self-esteem可回到家我自怨自艾何谈自尊NopeYou think I'm swimming in green but你觉得我人生顺遂It's passed around my family tree在家族中延续流传No man wants to really commit可没有一位良人真心许我承诺Intimidated cause I get paid and s**t脊背发凉或许我的好运用完了In the crowd you're reading my lips人群中你读着我的唇语But no one around me knows但我身边的人并不明了Who I am我是谁What I'm on有何所求Who've I hurt我曾伤害过哪些人And where they gone如今他们又在哪里I know that I done some wrong我知道我曾犯过错But I'm trying to make it right我也试图挽回The same mistakes可同样的错误On and on循环往复To all my friends I'm sorry for我为我所有的朋友感到抱歉And know that I love you but你知道我爱你但是I'm still learning我仍在学着Still learning仍在学着To love myself好好去爱自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己I'm still learning to love myself我仍在学着爱自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己Oh I try and I try to remember sometimes有时我试着去想If I breathe it's alright只要我还活着就好了But some things don't change可有些事情是不会改变的I'm still learning to love myself我仍在学着爱自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己Who I am我是谁What I'm on有何所求Who've I hurt我曾伤害过哪些人And where they gone如今他们又在哪里I know that I done some wrong我知道我曾犯过错But I'm tryin to make it right我也试图挽回To the one I love让我所爱之人Bring me round伴我左右Get me out帮我脱困Right now就在此时And the ones I love我所爱之人And the ones I love我所爱之人I'm still learning to love my我仍在学着 好好去爱To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己I'm still learning我仍在学着I'm still learning我仍在学着To love my好好去爱Love myself爱自己Self自己To love my to love my to love my好好爱自己And I try and I try to remember sometimes有时我试着去想If I breathe it's alright只要我还活着就好了But some things don't change可有些事情是不会改变的I'm still learning我仍在学着Still learning仍在学着To love my好好去爱Still learning仍在学着Self爱自己Love myself I'm trying to love myself爱自己 我仍在学着爱自己I'm still learning to love myself我仍在学着爱自己

标签: Halsey
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