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刘惜君 《What A Lovely Day》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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What a lovely day today , Even though多么美好的一天,尽管there's more trouble than my yesterday.比我的昨天多了些麻烦,也许It may be Less joyful than some big day,比某些日子少了些愉悦,In my memory.在我的记忆里What a lovely day today , Even though多么美好的一天,尽管there’s more salty/ tears than in past days.比过去的日子多了些流泪的体会,It may be more interesting than other stories.也许比故事更有意思,In the Mystery.在意犹未尽中Though we’ll lose a March spring stroll虽然我们将失去一份漫步On Broadway,春天的心情We can’t stop the world’s spring但无法阻止全世界迎接from fading away春天的脚步Reading a book with A garden and trees停下来在书里寻找一片森林和花园There’s nothing to worry it。没什么值得担心的What a lovely day , What a lovely day !多么美好的一天It is oh my day这是属于我的一天And we need to face this unending wait。那些生命里需要去面对未知的等待There’s no way to escape是没有办法逃避的What a lovely day,What a lovely day !多么美好的一天I am on my way我走在自己的路上What a lovely day today , Even though多么美好的一天,尽管there's more trouble than my yesterday.比我的昨天多了些麻烦,也许It may be Less joyful than some big day,比某些日子少了些愉悦,In my memory.在我的记忆里What a lovely day today , Even though多么美好的一天,尽管there’s more salty/ tears than in past days.比过去的日子多了些流泪的体会,It may be more interesting than other stories.也许比故事更有意思,In the Mystery.在意犹未尽中Reading a book with A garden and trees停下来在书里寻找一片森林和花园There’s nothing to worry it。没什么值得担心的What a lovely day , What a lovely day !多么美好的一天It is oh my day这是属于我的一天And we need to face this unending wait。那些生命里需要去面对未知的等待There’s no way to escape是没有办法逃避的What a lovely day,What a lovely day !多么美好的一天I am on my way我走在自己的路上

标签: 刘惜君