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Maren Morris 《I Could Use a Love Song》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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I Could Use a Love Song - Maren Morris
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  1. 1 I Could Use a Love Song Maren Morris

Usually a drink will do the trick通常喝一杯就行Take the edge off quick就能快速缓解不爽的心情Sitting in the dark with a shared cigarette坐在昏暗里轮着抽一支烟Seeing eye-to-eye, and heart-to-heart目目相视,心心交流But maybe I'm just getting old但也许我只是变老了Used to work but now it don't过去一向起作用现在却不起作用了A long gone drive开车久了You know the kind where you take a turn你就知道哪儿要转弯And you don't know why你不知道为什么But it clears your mind, a surefire cure但心知肚明,一个万无一失的治愈方法I need something stronger但我需要更有效的东西That'll last a little longer那么持续时间长些I could use a love song我可以唱一首情歌That takes me back, just like that when it comes on让我回忆,就像它刚刚发生To a time when I wouldn't roll my eyes到了一个阶段我不再把转动眼睛At a guy and a girl盯着男孩和女孩看Who make it work in a world他们在同一个世界打拚That for me so far just seems to go so wrong那么到目前不止我似乎大错特错Yeah I could use, I could use a love song的是,我可以唱,我可以唱一首情歌I wish I didn't know so much我希望我不知道这么多I peeked behind the curtain我躲在窗帘后面偷看Now that magic rush现在魔法突然奔来Feels like a trick that isn't working感觉就像不起作用的圈套But I haven't lost all hope yet但我还没有失去所有的希望Yeah it's hurting but it ain't dead是的它是伤害,但它不是致命的I could use a love song我能唱一首情歌That takes me back, just like that when it comes on它让我回忆,就像刚刚发生的事To a time when I wouldn't roll my eyes到了一段时间我不再转动我的眼睛At a guy and a girl盯着一对男女看Who make it work in a world他们在同一个世界打拚That for me so far just seems to go so wrong那么到目前为止对我来说似乎大错特错Yeah I could use, I could use a love song是的,我能唱,我能唱一首情歌Give me a sign or a rhyme or a reason给我一个符号或韵律或一个理由Just something that I can believe in就是我能相信的东西I could use a love song我能唱一首情歌That takes me back, just like that when it comes on会让我回忆,就像它刚刚发生To a time when I wouldn't roll my eyes到了一个阶段我不再转动眼睛At a guy and a girl盯着一对男女看Who make it work in a world他们在同一个世界里打拚That for me so far just seems to go so wrong那么到目前为止对我来说似乎大错特错Yeah I could use是的我可能唱Yeah I could use, I could use a love song是的我可以唱,我可以唱一首情歌

标签: Maren Morris
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