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Tom Odell 《Magnetised》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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See those birds going 'cross the sky望着那些鸟儿飞过天际Three thousand miles they fly飞越三千里远的漫漫长路How do they know which way to go?他们又是如何知晓该去往何方?Somehow they always seem to know但他们却心知肚明They say there's Mother Nature in everything we see他们说 我们所见的一切 都是天性使然Wish I had a little Mother Nature in me我也祈望我心底能有些人性本能Wish I had a little Mother Nature in me我也祈望我心底能有些人性本能'Cause it's not right因为这有些反常I'm magnetised to somebody that don't feel it我竟被一个毫无感情之人深深吸引Love paralysed爱到麻木She's never gonna need me她从未需要过我As sure as the world keeps the moon in the sky而我 就如深信月亮总是挂在天上那般确信这一点She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我苦苦等待She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我欲求不得See the couple lying on the bus望着巴士上相依的情侣Falling asleep with so much trust带着对彼此的信任沉沉入睡I wish I had a chance to let them know我多么希望我能有机会对他们说That love is like a flower in the snow爱情娇贵如暴雪中的花If it's just pheromone then that may be如果只是费洛蒙的作用 那倒有些可能I wish she had a little pheremones for me我真希望她也能被我深深吸引I wish she had a little pheremones for me我真希望她也能被我深深吸引'Cause it's not right因为这有些反常I'm magnetised to somebody that don't feel it我竟被一个毫无感情之人深深吸引Love paralysed爱到麻木I know you're never gonna need me我也深知 你从未需要过我As sure as the world keeps the moon in the sky就如深信月亮总是挂在天上那般确信这一点She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我苦苦等待(Keep me hanging on)(苦苦等待)She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我欲求不得(Keep me hanging on)(欲求不得)She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我苦苦等待(Keep me hanging on)(苦苦等待)North to South从北至南White to black由白到黑When you love someone that don't love you back当你爱上一个不会爱你的人Yeah it's not right嗯 这有些反常I'm magnetised to somebody that don't feel it我竟被一个毫无感情之人深深吸引Love paralysed爱到麻木She's never gonna need me她从未需要过我As sure as the world keeps the moon in the sky而我 就如深信月亮总是挂在天上那般确信这一点She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我苦苦等待(Keep me hanging on)(苦苦等待)She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我欲求不得(Keep me hanging on)(欲求不得)She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我苦苦等待(Keep me hanging on)(苦苦等待)She'll keep me hanging on她总是让我欲求不得

标签: Tom Odell
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