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Rock Prince

Sarah Kang Eyelovebrandon 《Summer Is for Falling in Love》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

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Summer Is for Falling in Love - Sarah Kang Eyelovebrandon
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  1. 1 Summer Is for Falling in Love Sarah Kang Eyelovebrandon

We could drive along an ocean reflecting the sun我们可以开车沿着波光粼粼的海边Or make a bed of green atop a wide open scene或躺在绿色的草地上欣赏美景绵延Under a canvas of blue蓝天美如画卷I would draw ever nearer to you我离你又更近一点To feel the dew on your skin你身上的露水That is how it would begin慢慢流淌到我心间For summer is for falling in love这让人恋爱的夏天We could stay out late until the sunset's past eight我们可以待得很晚一直到日落八点And the cotton candy haze mirrors the warmth of your gaze你温柔的注视映在棉花糖般的云烟Raise your glass to mine相互举起酒杯不言And as we drink, we would lock eyes喝一口,两人轻轻闭上眼So we could disregard the thought of ever having to part这样我们就可以不在乎分开的思念For summer is for falling in love这让人恋爱的夏天This lightness of being这样无忧无虑的悠闲We both know to be fleeting我们清楚刹那就不见Like the last breath of a sunset像太阳落下的最后一口呼吸Right before the day is dead在美好一天消逝之前But maybe the heat of today也许今日余温缱绻Could keep even winter away能让寒冷冬天走远So I'll remember your laugh我会记得你的笑脸'Cause nothing ever changes the fact因为一切都不会改变That summer is for falling in love这让人恋爱的夏天Summer is for falling in love夏天就是一场爱恋